Meeting called to order at 6:36 P.M. by President Bob Lechner
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Michael Marquez, Billy Cox, and Sherri Coughlin
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Marcia Salvestrini
Opening Prayer
Devotion and Prayer led by Diane Wages.
Action Items
- August Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members. Pastor Karin submitted a list of corrections, amendments, to her report, which were reviewed by Council and will be attached to the September Minutes.
- Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Pastor Karin) to approve the August minutes as amended and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the August Financial reports with Council. She noted that for the first time this year our bottom line is in the negative, as shown on the Profit & Loss YTD Comparison.
- Diane recommended that we pay the outstanding Benevolence amount due this week to catch up.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Pastor K.) that we pay the Benevolence amount due of $4,663.00 this week as recommended by Diane, and unanimously approved.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Pastor Alicia) to accept the August Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Marcia Salvestrini Updated Council on the Legacy Committee:
- The 2019 Budget has been spent in the amount of $4,540.00.
- 2 camp scholarships in the amount of $430.00 each were given. Shelbi Annis was awarded a $2000.00 scholarship (attending USD). Pastor Alicia received a $1,000.00 scholarship.
- The balance of the funds will be given to the Christmas in October program.
- Marcia advised that two of the committee members terms are ending, but they are eligible to take another 3 year term.
- Billy Cox has accepted the position on Council.
- There have been new sightings of termite damage in the Sanctuary. The Pest Control company will be out on Friday to inspect.
- Discussion held on missing Listening Devices. There will be a notice in the Bulletin requesting their return.
- A Care Team is being formed for visits to members now that Pastor Kate is no longer serving with us. There needs to be coordination between Pastor Karin and the volunteers making the visits, to include serving communion.
- Esmeralda’s last day is this Thursday, September 19th. Bob L. will come to the office that day to collect her keys. He will also bring her flowers as a thank you for her time with us.
- The last Transition Team supper/meeting is tomorrow, the 18th.
- Due to vacation schedules for Council members, the October Council meeting is being rescheduled to October 22nd.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin discussed issues and concerns she has regarding Council and the Congregation during this Transition period.
- She discussed “barriers” that she feels are holding this congregation back.
- She discussed “distrust and mistrust” within Council and the Congregation.
- She believes there is little respect and support for the Pastor’s office.
- She recommended that the Transition Team members join Council.
▪ Pastor Alicia
- Reported attendance at 2nd service has remained average.
- She is continuing to hold 1st Communion classes.
- She is continuing to hold Bible Study classes.
Other Reports/Items
- Council agreed to hold a Special Council meeting/workshop on Tuesday, September 24th, at 11:00 to address the vision for the church and how to move forward.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2019, at 6:30 P.M.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary