St. Mark’s will safely reopen Sunday, _____________, for in-person worship for those who choose to participate. For those who prefer to participate from home, we will continue to record and broadcast all services as we have done for the last _____ months. Now that we have figured out how to successful broadcast to Facebook Live and put the recordings on YouTube and our website, we expect that the broadcasts will continue as a permanent aspect of our ministry.
Several months ago, we prepared a detailed Safe Re-Opening Plan with the able support of Debbie Lechner. Our plan is built upon the research-based advice of the CDC, and the local medical community.
What Should I Expect When I Return to the Sanctuary?
If you choose to worship in-person in the sanctuary on Sunday, ______________, here are the guidelines we will be following:
It is recommended that anyone over 65 years old or with underlying health conditions, or anyone who lives with someone who is vulnerable, remain at home and watch the online broadcast, where they can sing and read responsively in safety.
If you are feeling unwell, DO NOT COME TO CHURCH!
Since we only have about 35 household units in the English-speaking ministry (80-100 people), everyone who wishes to participate should be able to safely social distance in the sanctuary.
Please sit only in open rows. Alternate rows have been taped off.
Please sit about 6 feet from another family in the row.
All worshippers will need to wear a mask (5 years old or older).
Your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer before entering the sanctuary.
No hugging or shaking hands.
Please refrain from Singing and oral Recitation because research has proven that these practices carry a much greater risk of spreading infection through droplets (even with masks).
We will not be offering communion until the Synod approves its reinstitution.
No coffee or shared food will be available after service.
We will not be offering Sunday school or nursery care at this time.
We have removed the Bibles and hymnals to avoid transmission by surface. Please bring your own Bible if you wish to refer to it. Individual and family handouts will be available to follow the service.
We will open all doors to ensure good ventilation throughout the building.
Blank offering envelopes and the offering plate will be at the end of the center aisle. We will not be passing the plate for offering.
Surfaces in the sanctuary will be sanitized between first and second services.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to keep everyone as safe as possible in this time of COVID-19.
Peace and Grace to You,
Sheri Barker, Council President