Members present: Skip Knudsen, Billy Cox, Raidel Cubero, Alicia Saenz, Nancy Dreesen (Absent: Gabby Guttierez, Tony Torres)
Nancy Opened the meeting with prayer.
MSP the Council Minutes from October 3 & 10, 2017
Sept. Treasurers Report-tabled until Nov.
2016 Audit Report-read, discussed, accepted
Raidel gave the Council an update on the copier contract situation
Discussion was held regarding groups renting our facilities. Youth room was proposed as an alternative to various groups using the church and Lower Level facilities. Less impact on facilities and utilities.
Nancy gave information from Mission Investment on our mortgage loan. We will be contacting them the last week of this month to see what our options are for possible temporary relief.
Alicia reported that the Spanish worship service had done a raffle of donated items and successfully raised enough money to purchase 2 new faucets, 2 new shower heads, repair the LL sink faucet, and repair the men’s bathroom toilet in the narthex. These were completed using a volunteer plumber.
Alicia also asked us to consider a Bilingual Worship on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2917, which would include a short children’s Christmas program. There would be 2 bulletins-English & Spanish, which would have the necessary translations in them, so the worship would flow better. The worship service could be scheduled at a time between our usual Sunday service times, perhaps 10:00 AM. We could possibly use the guitars to accompany Christmas hymns. She suggested having a potluck afterward where we could share some traditional Christmas foods.
This idea was warmly received as a great all-church event.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Our next meeting will be Nov. 7.