Meeting called to order at 7:01pm by President Nancy Dreesen.
Members present: Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Sherri Coughlin, Gabby Guiterrez, Barb Atwood, Alicia Saenz, Pr. Boye, and Skip Knudsen.
Pastor Boye opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the May 15, 2018 were unanimously approved.
Action Items
President Nancy Dreesen reported to Council that $30,000 was transferred from our checking account to the money market account as directed by the Council at the May 16, 2018 meeting.
Barb Atwood presented the May Treasury Report. We are still ahead in revenues and below in expenditures. Council will revisit the adopted budget and make necessary adjustments as needed. Motion was made to accept the May 2018 Financial Report, seconded, and unanimously approved.
Council discussed needed expenditures by our church custodian. A limit of $500 for any one-time major expenditure was established with Council approval. Council will also need to establish a working budget to cover ongoing maintenance and supplies.
A request to authorize the use of MIF Online Services for the electronic payment each month for our Mission Investment Loan was discussed. Motion to approve MIF Online Services was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
Increased use of the patio level classroom by Paz Mental Al Anon group was discussed. They wish to increase use of facility from 3 days a week to 5 days. Council agreed to request, but also felt that a $1.00 donation per person, per meeting was an appropriate use fee.
2017 Audit Report/Recommendations
Barb Atwood presented 2017 Audit for approval. Discussion ensued. Based on one recommendation of the Audit Committee, Council accepted the recommendation that a second volunteer money counting team should be established to alternate and substitute for current team who is responsible for counting, and depositing of weekly offering and other receipts.
A recommendation was made to clarify procedures related to hours and vacation carryover for employees. Council decided that the person responsible for approving time sheets should be responsible for approving employees hours worked. Vacation carryover should be limited.
Another recommendation was to have an independent accountant to review transactions related to Designated/Activity Funds for the year 2017.
Audit Committee found no significant, material departure from best practices of church accounting with exceptions as noted in the report. A motion was made to accept the 2017 Audit as reported, seconded and unanimously approved.
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Boye stated that she has received a positive reception from the congregation and feels a definite energy present in the church as a whole. Challenge is to take that energy to “transform yesterday to tomorrow.” Pastor Boye feels that three main areas need to be addressed:
- Finances: plan for short term, mid and long term income and expenditures.
- Facilities
- Staffing
Pastor Boye is eager to meet members of the congregation. Members wishing time with the Pastor should contact the church office.
Other Items
Billy Cox reported on the transformation of the old Youth Center Classroom. As of this date he has sold a majority of the items for a total of $335. Billy has established the date of July 7 for complete liquidation of all items remaining.
Received communication from Edith Johnson requesting incremental improvements to Jacobson Hall to make it easier to rent.
Council discussed the advantages of having a parsonage available when calling a settled pastor. Bishop Taylor had originally presented the idea prior to our Special Congregational Meeting last year. The idea of a family/person possibly donating a house to St. Mark’s may be a possibility. An informational item in the Church Newsletter may encourage someone consider this donation.
Meeting adjourned with prayer at 8:36pm.