Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice-President Raidel Cubero
Members present
Skip Knudsen, Raidel Cubero, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, and Sherri Coughlin
Absent: Bob Lechner,
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Sheri Barker
Opening Prayer
Prayer was led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- May Council meeting Minutes were distributed and reviewed. Pastor Karin requested that the following statement be added to the minutes under her report: Discussion was held on the removal of the Flags with differing opinions.
Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the Minutes of the May, 2019 Council Meeting, as amended, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer, Diane Wages reviewed the May Financial reports with Council.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the May Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Sheri Barker addressed Council on behalf of the Transition Team.
- She reviewed the progress the team has made so far; History of St. Mark’s, Wednesday night soup suppers.
- Pastor Karin discussed the various sizes of church’s congregations and how they are run
- Family Size ((0-50 attendees)
- Pastor Size (50-150- Pastor Ron)
- Program Size (150-350- Pastor Chuck)
What type of church do we want to be?
- The next Soup supper is scheduled for June 26th.
- Sheri advised that the last transition for our church took one year. Our current transition could take two years or more.
- The movie. “All Saints” will be shown at one of the upcoming Soup suppers. It is the story of one church that came to the point of possibly closing their doors.
- Sheri distributed copies of the following sections from the Transition Binder;
- Appendix 9 – Review of the Congregation Constitution and Policies
- Appendix 11 – A Review of Staffing Needs and Resources
- Appendix 13 – Stewardship of Property Inventory
- Transition team has discussed having an appraisal/assessment of the property be done to determine what expenses and maintenance may be required to sustain the property for the next 10 years. Discussion was held on what would be the best use of this property for the next 10 years.
- The team will write a report to review/present all of the data/research they have been studying on the community around us, which will be given to Council, and to the Call Committee.
- The team is requesting the participation of Council Members at the upcoming Soup Suppers. They are also looking into holding some of the Wednesday conversations on some Sunday mornings to accommodate members of the congregation who are unable to attend Wednesday evenings.
- Other Reports/Items
- Ordering of the tables and chairs is still being looked into. Bob Briggs has been researching and will provide Pastor Karin with Quotes, which she will review.
- Action Teams- Discussion was held on the best way to update our Constitution. Pastor Karin recommended that we set up an Action Team, led by Herb Geier. Member Care and Worship committee Action teams have met. Facilities is scheduled for this Sunday, June 23rd.
- Discussion was held on the pattern of giving during the church year. Diane volunteered to prepare a comparison chart – 5 years, not to include 2016 & 2017.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin
- Pastor Karin met with Tom Goellrich, Assistant to the Bishop. He asked if redevelopment was an option for St. Mark’s. She explained the purpose of a Redevelopment Pastor, and that there is training being held in August for this type of Pastor. Our Transition team has expressed concern at changing the direction of the church at this time.
Tom Goelrich would like to attend a Council meeting and present a “Vitality Study”.
- Pastor Karin discussed issues still involving worship service. Communication still needs to be improved.
- She said that while the service for Betty Cunningham went well, she would like to see some changes:
- Council President should open/welcome at Memorial Services.
- Kleenex should be provided in pews
- Reception plans need to be better organized, communicated.
- Ushers need to be provided.
- Everything connected to Baptisms, Weddings, and Memorials should go through the Pastor’s office to avoid communication issues.
- While there were positive responses to the Pentecost Sunday Bilingual Service, there were still some communication issues.
- Pastor Alicia
- Reported attendance at 2nd service is fluctuating between 19 and 45 people.
- Pentecost Sunday went very well
- 1st Communion and a Baptism were held last week.
- She informed Council that there have been requests for child care/nursery services be provided during the Soup Suppers. Melissa is not able to work on Wednesday evenings. Discussion held on how we can provide this service.
- The Seminar on Pastoral Care, which she attended in St. Paul, MN, went very well.
- Pastor Gloria is now her Mentor for her classes.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2019.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary