Meeting called to order at 6:36 P.M. by President Bob Lechner. In the absence of Secretary Sherri Coughlin, Diane Flint Wages took the minutes.
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Billy Cox, Bob Petrin.
Transition Team: Sheri Barker, Laura Ortiz, and Chris Lewis.
Opening Prayer
Devotion and Prayer led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- October 22, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members. Corrections to the minutes include: Diane Nissen’s name is spelled Nissen rather than Nissan (page 2), and Board of Equalization Audit (page 3), Pastor Karin discussed the progress of this audit rather than the results of this audit.
- Motion was made to approve the October 22, 2019 minutes as amended and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the October 31, 2019 Financial reports with Council.
- Motion was made to accept the October 31, 2019 Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Audit Report covering the fiscal year 2018.
- Motion was made to accept the 2018 church audit report and unanimously approved.
- A discussion was held regarding the initial amount of the donation made by Vic & Dolores Long to establish the Memorial Endowment Fund. It was established there are no records available to determine that amount.
- Motion was made and unanimously approved to adapt the following Corpus of the Endowment:
Whereas there is no paper trail available which provides for a record of the initial amount (Corpus) of the donation made by Vic & Dolores Long, may it be
Resolved that as of November 15, 2019, the Corpus of the Endowment Fund shall be $100,000.
- A discussion was held to establish the appropriate number of members of the Council for 2020. There are currently six members of Council who will continue their term into 2020.
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to adopt the following definition:
Whereas in previous years and at an unknown date the number of council members was reduced to 6 and
Whereas it continues to be difficult for the leadership to work with such a small number of leaders, may it be
Resolved that the number of Council members shall be adjusted to 8 starting with the term 2020.
- Pastor Karin presented a Resolution to establish that portion of her salary package to be defined as Housing Allowance.
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to establish the 2020 Housing Allowance as $33,600.
- Transition Team. Sheri Barker reviewed the results of the Vitality Study, Baylow University, September 22, 2019. Overall results show our congregation is “Currently viable, but not sustainable or vital”. This means even though we are still viable, we should ask what kind of ministry we are hoping to sustain. A summary of the Congregation’s ratings was reviewed. Council Member discussions included the need to build communication by keeping the congregation informed, and working to build trust. Sheri reported the Soup Suppers were well received by church members and will continue in January.
- Pastor Karin.
- Pastor encouraged Council Leadership to set boundaries, particularly with former members of the church, in order to avoid misinformation.
- Pastor reported San Diego Rapid Response Network, who uses the legal resources of Jewish Family Service, is a group we could partner with to support those in need regarding Immigration issues. Another is the Lutheran Refugee and Immigration Services of the ELCA.
- She attended the annual Interim Ministry Conference in Baltimore in November.
- She is visiting shut-ins. If any members are visiting shut-ins, please report this to the office so the visits can be coordinated.
- Pastor submitted a vacation request for the period January 2 to January 9 which was approved.
- Pastor Alicia
- Pastor Alicia is helping to write the Transition Team report.
- Attendance at second service is stable.
- The landscape work was successful. The Council expressed thanks to all who worked tirelessly on the project.
- A wedding anniversary celebration was observed.
- She discussed the need to invite and encourage participation by all council members.
- Committee Reports
- Nominating Committee. Chair Skip Knudsen reported they are seeking candidates for the Call Committee. Submit names by November 23rd.
- Personnel. Job Descriptions are complete and signed. The Employee Handbook needs to be updated next.
- Property Committee. Bids are being obtained for projects under consideration. Pest Control was called in to eradicate mice.
- Worship Committee. Meeting was held today. A bilingual Children’s Christmas program will be held December 15th at 10:00 a.m. A Christmas Eve service will be held December 24th at 6:30 p.m.
- Other Information
- Congregational Meeting to elect Call Committee, Dec 1st, 10:00 a.m.
- Angel Tree gifts to be returned by December 1st, 9:00 a.m.
- Transition Team, Call Committee, Council, and Bishop’s staff meeting on Dec 10th, 6:30 p.m., Lower Level.
- All Annual Reports need to be electronically submitted to the church office by January 9th, distribution to the congregation will be January 19th, and the Annual Meeting held January 26th.
- Southwestern College would like to use Jacobson Hall this summer for Tai Chi classes. Facility Use Agreements and Insurance requirements were discussed. The church office will follow up.
The meeting closed with prayer at 8:40 p.m. Next Council meeting is December 17, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Flint Wages, Acting Secretary