Council Minutes July 17 2018
Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President Nancy Dreesen.
Members present: Nancy Dreesen, Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Gabby Guitierrez, Barb Atwood, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.
Pastor Boye opened the meeting with prayer. (more…)
Council Minutes June 26,2018
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm by President Nancy Dreesen.
Members present: Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Sherri Coughlin, Gabby Guiterrez, Barb Atwood, Alicia Saenz, Pr. Boye, and Skip Knudsen.
Pastor Boye opened the meeting with prayer. (more…)
Council Minutes May 15, 2018
President Nancy Dreesen called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Pastor
Alicia led the opening prayer.
Members present: Barb Atwood, Sherri Coughlin, Billy Cox, Raidel
Cubero, Gabriela Gutierrez, Alicia Saenz, and Skip Knudsen.
Guests: Debbie Lechner, Esmaralda Gomez, Pr. John Doolittle, Pr. Nate
Jackson, and Angela Jackson. (more…)
Council Minutes, April 17, 2018
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 by President Nancy Dreesen.
Opening prayer was led by Pastor Alicia Saenz.
Members present: Nancy Dreesen, Barbara Atwood, Sherri Coughlin, Billy Cox, Raidel Cubero, Gabriela Gutierrez, Alicia Saenz, and Skip Knudsen.
Minutes of the March 20, 2018 Council Meeting were unanimously approved as submitted.
Council reaffirmed Pastor Karin Boye as St. Mark’s interim pastor. Total financial package will be finalized and brought to Council for final approval at a later date.
March financial statement distributed at March 20 meeting needs to reflect unbudgeted charges. Treasurer Barb Atwood recommended that we make adjustments to the statement to reflect unbudgeted charges such as fire extinguishers, termites, and lighting charges. Motion, second and unanimously approved revised March Financial Statement to include unbudgeted charges.
Personnel Committee submitted the name of Bobb Briggs as custodian. Discussion followed related to duties. Committee established a May 1 start of employment. Motion to approve Bobb Briggs as custodian with a May 1 start was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
Discussion was held regarding compensation of all employees. It was decided that all employees be compensated at an hourly rate. Motion to adopt hour rate for all employees was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.
Discussion was held regarding compensation and hours allowed for the Sunday Child attendant. New Child Attendant will begin new position on May 6, at a rate of $12.00 per hour for a maximum of 3.5 hours per Sunday. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to hire new Child Attendant at a rate of $12.00 per hour for a maximum of 3.5 hours per Sunday.
Bill Cox reported on inventory performed on the contents of the former your center. Billy, Shirley Cox, and Skip Knudsen inventoried all items in the center. Discussion was held regarding the items inventoried and the future disposition of such items.
Nancy reported that supply pastors: Pr. Friedrich, and Pr. Alicia Saenz, will be serving St. Mark’s until Interim Pastor Karin Boye assumes duties on June 1.
President Nancy has invited Clairemont Lutheran Church to meet with the Council to discuss the their experience with a dual language church. Their experience will be invaluable to us as we progress as a two language church.
Nancy will take a well-deserved vacation May 19-28.
Meeting was concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.
Adjournment at 8:44.
Council Minutes March 20, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Nancy Dreesen at 7:00pm.
Opening prayer was led by Alicia Saenz.
Council Members present: Nancy Dreesen, Alecia Saenz, Barbara Atwood, Gabby Gutierrez, Sherri Coughlin, Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, and Skip Knudsen.
First order of business was to approve the minutes of the February 25 Council Meeting and March 11 Special Meeting. Motion to approve minutes of February 25, 2018 was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Discussion ensued regarding the minutes of March 11. Council agreed to eliminate the word “legal” in paragraph 3. Motion was made to eliminate the word “legal” in the third paragraph of the March 11, 2018 Special Meeting. Motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved. (more…)