Council Minutes, January 15, 2019

Council Meeting was called to order by President Nancy Dreesen at 7:05pm.

Members Present

Nancy Dreesen, Gabby Gutierrez, Sherri Coughlin, Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Barbara Atwood, Pastor Boye, and Skip Knudsen.

Opening Prayer

Prayer was led by Pr. Boye.

Action Items

Motion to adopt the minutes of the December 8   Council Meeting was made by Billy Cox, seconded by Barb Atwood, and unanimously approved.

Minutes of January 8 Special Council Meeting were read and corrected.  Motion to accept the January 8 minutes, as corrected, was made by Billy Cox, seconded by Barb Atwood, and unanimously accepted.

Barb Atwood presented the 2018 year-end financial document that will be included in the Annual Report.  We fell $8,000 short of projected income, but we under spent our budget by $45,000. Motion to accept the year-end financial report was made by Nancy Dreesen, seconded by Sherri Coughlin, and unanimously accepted.

Pastor Boye reported on the Council’s list of nominees for the Transition Team.  Each nominee was contacted and six have accepted. The Transition Team will be presented to the congregation at the Annual Meeting.

Billy Cox recommended that Edith Johnson be asked to lead/organize the 65th Anniversary of St. Mark’s Church.  Council agreed.

Nancy  Dreesen addressed the need for a new treasurer to replace Barb Atwood.  Discussion resulted in a recommendation to appoint Diane Wages the treasurer beginning Feb. 1, 2019-Feb. 1, 2020.  Motion to accept Diane Wages as the new treasurer by Nancy Dreesen, seconded by Skip Knudsen, and unanimously accepted.

Pastor Boye

The Church membership directory is in process of being validated.  Active membership is determined by attendance in the past year or by financial contribution for the same period.

Spanish language song books have been ordered.  The purchase of these books was made possible through Pastor Alicia’s grant.


Hearing equipment.  Billy Cox stated that new hearing equipment has been ordered and received.  Installation of equipment will take place in the very near future. Billy also reported that Debbie Lechner has an app for the smart phones that will allow church members to connect to sound system.  Purchase of this equipment was made possible through Pastor Alicia’s grant.

Tree trimming and grounds.  Billy Cox reported on an estimate received from Steve Dow related to tree trimming & lacing, removals and stump grinding for entire church property. Estimate was

$16, 775.00.  Council recommended that an additional two quotes be obtained.  Due to the projected high cost of the project, the Council discussed breaking the total job into segments and prioritizing them so the job may be done over a longer period of time.

Name tags.  Nancy presented a sample of name tags she felt should be worn by Council Members.  These tags would identify Council Members. Barb Atwood suggested that the whole congregation should have name tags.

Motion to adjourn was made by Barbara Atwood, seconded by Billy Cox and unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.


Council Minutes, November 27, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:03 P.M. by President Nancy Dreesen.

Members present:  Nancy Dreesen, Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Barb Atwood, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Gabby Guitierrez, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.

Nancy Dreesen opened the meeting with prayer.

Action Items

Motion was made (Billy C.) to accept the Minutes of the October 16, 2018 Council Meeting, seconded (Barb A.) , and  unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Barb Atwood, distributed and presented the Financial Report for October:  

She advised that we are under budget in all categories per the Summary Report.

Discussion held on Pew Envelopes.   Barb distributed a copy of a sample from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church for Council review/information.

Nancy reported that she and Kerry Wood processed the Pledge Cards. There were 33 pledge’s totaling $153,630.00.

Pastor Karen’s Report

Pastor Karen reviewed her written report to Council.

Discussion held on Church Calendar scheduling.   Scheduling needs to be limited to Office staff (Esmeralda) to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Pastor Karin brought up that St. Mark’s will be celebrating our 65th Anniversary in March of 2019.   She suggested combining the two worship services on the Sunday before Ash Wed. and inviting all of the congregations at St Mark’s to celebrate this occasion.   It was also suggested that a planning committee be formed for this event.

She noted a concern regarding our music program.   Discussion followed on the possibility of having a Music Director, again, and working on building our Music Program.

Discussion on Transition meetings to be held on January 8, 15, and 29th (Installation of Transition & Call Team members.)

Pastor Alicia’s Report

Pastor Alicia discussed plans for the Posada to be held on Sunday, Dec. 16th, followed by a Pot Luck luncheon.   The Spanish service congregation will provide Tamales, Beans, Rice, etc. Discussion held on how to provide Drinks, paper good etc .   Barbara mentioned that there is $112.00 available in Evangelism & Fellowship that may possibly be used.

Other Reports

Nancy distributed estimates for Landscape maintenance submitted by Chris Lewis.   She mentioned that Kyra Petrin had discussed the possibility of not securing a contract for regular maintenance at this time.   Discussion followed.

Nancy then distributed on line information she had printed out on costs for purchasing new tables & chairs for Jacobsen Hall from Office Depot, Costco, and Walmart.   Discussion followed.

Nancy reported on the Nov. 2nd meeting with the Areumdaun Korean Church that she and Chris Lewis attended.    She and Chris had reviewed a list of our concerns at the meeting. They are asking to use our sanctuary on Thursday evenings from 7:30 t0 8:30 without paying additional rent.    Discussion followed.

Chula Vista Art Guild, beginning January, 2019, will meet the 4th Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to Noon in the Youth Center building.  They will give a monthly donation of $50.00.

The Narcotics Anonymous group is asking for an additional meeting night on Thursday’s.

Motion to allow the additional meeting night beginning in 2019 was made by Pastor Karin, and seconded by Barbara.    Unanimously approved.   

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted by S. Coughlin

Council Minutes October 16, 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:10 P.M. by President Nancy Dreesen.

Members present:  Nancy Dreesen,  Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Barb Atwood, Pastor Alicia Saenz, and Sherri Coughlin.

Pastor Alicia opened the meeting with prayer. (more…)

Council Minutes September 11, 2018

Members Present: Nancy Dreesen, P, Boye, Billy Cox, Sherri Coughlin, P. Alicia Saenz, Gabby Guitierrez, Barb Atwood, and Skip Knudsen

President Nancy Dreesen called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Pastor Boye led the Committee in prayer.

Action Items

President Nancy asked for a motion to approve the Council Minutes for August 21, 2018. Motion was made for approval, seconded, and unanimously approved.

President Nancy requested a motion for the approval of the August 26 Special Council Meeting.  Motion was made for approval, seconded and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Barb met with her financial committee.  The committee indicated their preference for moving the Script Chase Bank funds, which has had no activity for some time, to the general fund.  After discussion, President Nancy called for a motion for the closing of the Script funds from Chase Bank to the Church’s general fund. Motion to close the Script account and move the funds to the general fund was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

The financial report for August was presented and discussed.  The revised/updated budget will be presented to the Congregation at the September meeting for approval.  Motion for accepting the August Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

The Facilities Use Guidelines was discussed.  Addition work is needed on usage by outside groups, cleaning deposits, etc.   The facilities committee will continue to refine the guidelines.

Pastors Karin’s Report

Pastor Boye recommended that we delay the naming of a Council member to the Transition team until a further review of the process is concluded.

Pastor Karin presented her “Report-100 days into the interim.” The report gives an accurate description of the transition journey.  The document also gives the Bishop and Synod an update. Pr. Boye suggested that the document be placed in the St. Mark’s Newsletter so that the congregation can respond and pose questions.

Pastor Alicia’s Report

Pr. Alicia reported on the success of the Congregational Picnic this past Sunday.  The Spanish Congregation put on a fantastic party with a variety and amount of food for the entire congregation. An offering in the amount of $359 was collected.  

Pastor Alicia reported that doors are still being found unlocked. This is disturbing. Further effort must be made to make groups aware of their responsibility to secure the premises after their use.

Other Reports

We will be ending the Adopt-a-Bill program.  It has served its purpose well.

The Nominating Committee for new Council members will be formed by the end of October.  Two retiring members are to be part of the Nominating Committee.

The Rent/Use fee report was presented.  The report remains fluid at this time. Committee will continue to refine the fee structure and report back to the Council.

Billy Cox gave an update on the hearing aides.  Chris Lewis has a source for a compatible unit that will interface with our present audio system.  Pr. Alicia indicated that $5,000 is available for this project. Billy will pursue with Chris.

The Korean Church has requested the use of the Sanctuary on Thursday nights for their worship service.  The Council recommended that the additional use should result in additional rent.

Meeting was adjourned with prayer.

September 16 Congregational Meeting will employ a PowerPoint presentation by Barb Atwood.  Council adjourned to view and discuss the presentation.


Report St Mark’s – 100 Days Into the Interim

The parts of the text in italic are taken from the Report of the Pacifica Synod Listening Team Regarding the Conflict at St Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chula Vista, respectfully introduced verbally on Aug. 30, 2017


As recommended by The Bishop Rev. Dr. Andrew Taylor and his Listening Team, Pastor Ron Hovick resigned his pastorate effective Oct 03, 2018. Together with him Melody Kohl, Office Manager and Kyle Pownell, Youth Worker resigned. This left both positions vacant and ending the Youth Program. Volunteers stepped in to cover the office work. (more…)

Council Minutes August 21, 2018

Meeting was called to order by President Nancy Dreesen at 7:00pm.

Members present: Nancy Dreesen, Raidel Cubero, Barb Atwood, Sherri Coughlin, Billy Cox, Gabriela Gutierez, Alicia Saenz, and Skip Knudsen.

Meeting was opened with prayer by Pastor Boye. (more…)