by debbie | May 16, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Bob Lechner,
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Raidel Cubero, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.
Absent: Pastor Alicia Saenz
Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Opening Prayer
Prayer was led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- April Council meeting Minutes were distributed and reviewed.
Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the Minutes of the April, 2019 Council Meeting and unanimously approved.
- Council members reviewed the April Financial reports prepared by Treasurer, Diane Wages. Discussion was held on the Adopt A Bill program. Diane reported that a Benevolence payment in the amount of $4,812.50 was made to the Synod on May 5th.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to accept the April Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Ordering of the tables and chairs is still being looked into.
- Action Teams- the Member Care team met on Sunday. There were 9 participants who brainstormed ideas. There was also a
Worship Team meeting, but only Pastor Karin and Diane W. attended.
Discussion was held on improving communication within the organization/congregation. Council needs to work on
setting goals, defining the “big picture”. The next Action Team meetings are Stewardship, scheduled for June 2nd at 11:30, and Facilities scheduled for June 23rd at 11:30.
- The Legacy Committee would like everyone to know that they’ve awarded their first grant in 2019 under the Legacy Committee by-laws with the new Grant Application form! They have awarded 2 grants to campers planning to attend the Lutheran Retreats Camps and Conferences summer camp at El CaminoPines. Grant applications are available on our website or can be emailed upon request to Marcia Salvestrini.
Discussion was held on presenting revised By-Laws to be approved by the Congregation. Bob will talk to Chris Lewis to devise a schedule to present the revised By-Laws to the Congregation for vote.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin reviewed the events held during Lent and Easter.
- She attended a Mayor’s breakfast. Topic of discussion was on Homelessness.
- She advised that Doug and Linda Nerat attended the Synod Assembly and found it informative and interesting.
- Services for Betty Cunningham are scheduled for Saturday, June 8th.
- June 9th is Pentecost Sunday. There will be one service for both congregations @ 10:00 a.m. Both Pastor Karin and Pastor Alicia will lead the service.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to hold the Joint Service on June 9th @ 10:00 a.m. and unanimously approved.
- Pastor Karin will attend the Interim Network Ministry annual conference, being held in Baltimore, MD. on November 11-14.
- She will be meeting with Tom Goellrich, (Assistant to the Bishop) from ELCA on the Redevelopment of the Church.
- The Transition Team will be meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m
- Pastor Karin closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2019.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | May 13, 2019 | Council Minutes
St. Mark’s Church Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Bob Lechner,
Members present Bob Lechner, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Diane Wages, Skip Knudsen, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.
Absent: Raidel Cubero
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Opening Prayer
Prayer was led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
February Council meeting Minutes were distributed and reviewed.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Diane F.) to accept the Minutes of the February 19, 2019 Council Meeting and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer, Diane Wages, distributed and presented the Financial Report for February. She included a corrected Financial Statement from the Memorial Endowment Fund. She also advised that she is putting together an Audit team for 2019.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the February Financial report, and unanimously approved.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin –
- Discussed ground improvements; Tree trimming, Tenting. She said that neighbors had commented positively on the improvements, and that it reflected on the Leadership of the Church.
- She said that Jason will be replacing Margaret and Dan for now .
- On Sunday, March 17th, the Legacy Planning workshop was held by Lisa Higgenbottom. Attendance was poor and disappointing.
- The volume of visits by our Visitation Pastor, Pastor Kate, continues to increase.
- She reported that she and Esmerelda have been working on updating the Church Roster (hard copy).
- She distributed copies of the section pertaining to Council Duties under C12.04 of St. Mark’s Constitution and reviewed with Council. She asked Council members to list what they believed were their top three duties as members of Council
- (a) Long range planning – “how are we doing?” Evaluate in light of mission and goals.
- (d) Maintain support of staff.
- (g.) Discussed how to arrange Pastoral Service during absences.
- Discussion was held on “Where are we in the larger picture?). She suggested that we form “Action teams” to set goals.
- Pastor Alicia
- She advised Council that Melissa still needs help with Sunday school. Volunteers are needed.
- Annual Easter egg hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th from Noon to 2:00. Would like to request donations of plastic eggs (filled).
Other Reports/Items
- Confirmed who the members of the Personnel Committee are: Bob, Raidel, Diane and Sherri.
- Signatories have been changed on our checking account at Union Bank. They are now Diane, Skip, and Sherri.
- Council agreed with Pastor Karin that Barb A’s council position would remain open for now.
- We are waiting on bids to fix the plumbing issues in the Men’s room by J. Hall.
- Pastor Alicia reported that we are still in the process of ordering chairs and tables for J. Hall. Council is waiting for Esmerelda to email Council Members with recommendations on where to order, upon review.
- Pastor Karin discussed who would be attending the Synod Assembly on May 10-11. Council to recommend two members of the Congregation.
- Discussion was held on the 65th Anniversary celebration which was held on Sunday, March 3rd. It was agreed that the event was not well organized. Better communication is needed to organize future events.
- Pastor Karin shared a flyer she had received from a Solar company ( for our consideration. Council members agreed that this would be a good item for a Facility Action Team to look into.
Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Apr 16, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Bob Lechner,
Members present
Bob Lechner, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Skip Knudsen, Raidel Cubero, and Sherri Coughlin.
Absent: Pastor Karin Boye, Diane Wages
Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guest: Chris Lewis – Legacy Committee
Opening Prayer
Prayer was led by Pastor Alicia.
Action Items
- March Council meeting Minutes were distributed and reviewed.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to accept the Minutes of the February 19, 2019 Council Meeting and unanimously approved.
- Council members reviewed the March Financial reports prepared by Treasurer, Diane Wages.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to accept the March Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Chris Lewis addressed Council on behalf of the Legacy Committee: He distributed handouts of “Endowment Fund By-Laws”, “Congregation Gift Policy “, and the “Endowment Fund Grant Application”.
- There has been a Memorial Endowment fund since the 1970”s. It’s purpose has been mostly scholarships for Congregation Members children and grandchildren.
- Chris reported that the committee met with Lisa Higgenbottom , reviewed the bylaws, and condensed them. They are looking at better ways to utilize the funds, and help the General Fund support ministries.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to approve the Endowment Fund Bylaws as presented and unanimously approved.
- Chris also reviewed the Congregation Gift Policy with Council.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to approve the Congregation Gift Policy as presented and unanimously approved.
- Chris also advised Council that future workshops to educate the Congregation on the Endowment Fund will be better communicated by the Legacy Committee.
- She reported that there has been better attendance at the second service during the past 3 weeks.
- Annual Easter egg hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th from Noon to 2:00. They distributed 500 flyers in the community, and Posters were also posted in the area.
- She advised that she has received an email form the Synod to attend a “Pastoral Care” class being held in St. Paul, Minnesota on May 20th & 21st.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to authorize reimbursement of funds, not to exceed $2,000, from the Hispanic Ministry Grant #30340 for Pastor Alicia to attend the class and unanimously approved.
Other Reports/Items
- Bob stated that he wanted to thank Pastor Karin for the discussions that were held at the Lenten services on the History of St. Mark’s and where we are going.
- Council would also like to thank Glory Lutheran for the projection screen they donated for Jacobsen Hall.
- Discussion was held on negative feedback received from members of the Congregation on the flags that are on display in front of our offices.
Motion was made (Raidel C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to remove the flags due to the overwhelming negative feedback received and unanimously approved.
- Pastor Alicia reported that we are still in the process of ordering chairs and tables for J. Hall. Council requests an update on the status of the pending purchase.
Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for May 21, 2019.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Apr 11, 2019 | Council Minutes
We are in the process of digitizing the 2016 changes to the St. Mark’s Constitution and the current By-laws. Here is the model constitution on the ELCA website.
by debbie | Feb 27, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order and opened with prayer at 7:05 P.M. by outgoing President Nancy Dreesen.
Members present
Raidel Cubero, Bob Lechner, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Diane Wages, Skip Knudsen, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Nancy Dreesen, Dave Barker
Action Items
- Nancy D. conducted election of officers:
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Diane W.) to nominate and elect Bob Lechner as President, and unanimously approved.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Diane W.) to nominate and elect Raidel Cubero to continue as Vice President, and unanimously approved.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to nominate and elect Sherri Coughlin as Secretary, and unanimously approved.
- Minutes of the January Council meeting were read and corrected.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Raidel C.) to accept the Minutes of the January 15 Council Meeting, as amended, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer, Diane Wages, distributed and presented the Financial Report for January. Bob L. read a statement from Marcia Salvestrini, on behalf of the Legacy Committee, and gave it to Diane W.
Motion was made (Bob L.) and seconded (Raidel C.), to accept the January Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Discussion was held on appointing someone to fill Barb Atwood’s remaining term on Council, which ends on December 31, 2019. No decision was made, but Council will consider on whether to fill the position or leave it open for now.
- Discussion was also held on appointing a person to fill Gabby Gutierrez’s position on Council while she is serving on the Transition Team. Pastor Alicia advised she would look for a member of the San Marcos service to fill in for Gabby.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin – Asked for feedback from Council Members.
- Skip brought up discussions he has been part of with congregation members to replace the U.S. Flag in the courtyard.
- Pastor Karin informed Council that Parochial reports to ELCA and the Synod are out, and this activity has not been done in several years.
- Our Visitation Pastor, Pastor Kate, now has 6 Members who are being actively visited.
- Pastor Karin has met with the Legacy Committee. On March 17th, a workshop will be conducted by Lisa Higgenbottom, and the Committee.
- She had Esmerelda contact Lloyd’s Pest Control and set up dates for tenting. This is scheduled for February 26-28.
- Margaret Gaullard (Organist) has quit. She will be here on March 3rd. Dan (Organist) has also quit and taken a position with another church.
- She discussed recognizing Nancy and Billy Cox for their service on Council.
- Pastor Karin reported that she has started meeting with the Transition Team and that Eric has decided not to serve on the Committee. Council will need to appoint a replacement member.
- Pastor Alicia
- Discussed Bible studies for the Hispanic Service.
- She also advised Council that there may be more children in Sunday school than Melissa can handle. Volunteers are needed.
- Annual Easter egg hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th.
Other Reports/Items
- Dave Barker reported on a plumbing issue in the Men’s restroom located by Jacobsen Hall. After having it looked at, it turned out to be a bigger problem than originally thought. It is going to be a large expense, and an assessment will need to be made.
- It was brought up that signatories need to be changed on our checking account at Union Bank.
Motion was made (Pastor Karin) and seconded (Raidel C.), to appoint Skip Knudsen, Sherri Coughlin, and Diane Wages as signatories for the Checking Account at Union Bank, and unanimously approved.
- Pastor Alicia reviewed the info she had on ordering chairs and tables for J. Hall. Discussed ordering them from Costco. It was decided that Esmerelda will email Council Members with recommendations on where to order, upon review.
- Discussion was held on plans for the 65th Anniversary celebration being held on Sunday, March 3rd. Dora (Hispanic Service) is in charge of Decorations. Volunteers are still needed to clean and set up the Hall on Saturday, the 2nd. Bob L. has a list of volunteers for various tasks.
- “Council Member” badges were distributed to Members.
- Pastor Karin asked Council if they were interested in holding a retreat. She suggested the retreat be held at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Mission Valley for a half day on a Saturday. Discussion was held and a date will be decided, possibly in May.
- Pastor Karin also reported that the Korean Ministry is asking for additional space for a Women’s Bible Study Group. Discussion followed.
- Further discussion was held on adding a member to the Transition Team.
Motion was made (Pastor Karin) and seconded (Raidel) to appoint Francisco Lizarraga to the Transition Team, and unanimously approved.
- Pastor Karin advised Council that there is a workshop being held at Chapman University on March 16th from 9-3 and asked if anyone from Council was interested in attending. Discussion followed.
- Discussion was held on forming an updated Personnel Committee. To be decided at next Council Meeting.
Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Jan 28, 2019 | Annual Meeting, Council Minutes
This is the 2018 Annual Report for the meeting of the Congregation on January 27, 2019.