by debbie | Nov 15, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:36 P.M. by President Bob Lechner. In the absence of Secretary Sherri Coughlin, Diane Flint Wages took the minutes.
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Billy Cox, Bob Petrin.
Transition Team: Sheri Barker, Laura Ortiz, and Chris Lewis.
Opening Prayer
Devotion and Prayer led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- October 22, 2019 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members. Corrections to the minutes include: Diane Nissen’s name is spelled Nissen rather than Nissan (page 2), and Board of Equalization Audit (page 3), Pastor Karin discussed the progress of this audit rather than the results of this audit.
- Motion was made to approve the October 22, 2019 minutes as amended and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the October 31, 2019 Financial reports with Council.
- Motion was made to accept the October 31, 2019 Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Audit Report covering the fiscal year 2018.
- Motion was made to accept the 2018 church audit report and unanimously approved.
- A discussion was held regarding the initial amount of the donation made by Vic & Dolores Long to establish the Memorial Endowment Fund. It was established there are no records available to determine that amount.
- Motion was made and unanimously approved to adapt the following Corpus of the Endowment:
Whereas there is no paper trail available which provides for a record of the initial amount (Corpus) of the donation made by Vic & Dolores Long, may it be
Resolved that as of November 15, 2019, the Corpus of the Endowment Fund shall be $100,000.
- A discussion was held to establish the appropriate number of members of the Council for 2020. There are currently six members of Council who will continue their term into 2020.
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to adopt the following definition:
Whereas in previous years and at an unknown date the number of council members was reduced to 6 and
Whereas it continues to be difficult for the leadership to work with such a small number of leaders, may it be
Resolved that the number of Council members shall be adjusted to 8 starting with the term 2020.
- Pastor Karin presented a Resolution to establish that portion of her salary package to be defined as Housing Allowance.
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to establish the 2020 Housing Allowance as $33,600.
- Transition Team. Sheri Barker reviewed the results of the Vitality Study, Baylow University, September 22, 2019. Overall results show our congregation is “Currently viable, but not sustainable or vital”. This means even though we are still viable, we should ask what kind of ministry we are hoping to sustain. A summary of the Congregation’s ratings was reviewed. Council Member discussions included the need to build communication by keeping the congregation informed, and working to build trust. Sheri reported the Soup Suppers were well received by church members and will continue in January.
- Pastor encouraged Council Leadership to set boundaries, particularly with former members of the church, in order to avoid misinformation.
- Pastor reported San Diego Rapid Response Network, who uses the legal resources of Jewish Family Service, is a group we could partner with to support those in need regarding Immigration issues. Another is the Lutheran Refugee and Immigration Services of the ELCA.
- She attended the annual Interim Ministry Conference in Baltimore in November.
- She is visiting shut-ins. If any members are visiting shut-ins, please report this to the office so the visits can be coordinated.
- Pastor submitted a vacation request for the period January 2 to January 9 which was approved.
- Pastor Alicia is helping to write the Transition Team report.
- Attendance at second service is stable.
- The landscape work was successful. The Council expressed thanks to all who worked tirelessly on the project.
- A wedding anniversary celebration was observed.
- She discussed the need to invite and encourage participation by all council members.
- Nominating Committee. Chair Skip Knudsen reported they are seeking candidates for the Call Committee. Submit names by November 23rd.
- Personnel. Job Descriptions are complete and signed. The Employee Handbook needs to be updated next.
- Property Committee. Bids are being obtained for projects under consideration. Pest Control was called in to eradicate mice.
- Worship Committee. Meeting was held today. A bilingual Children’s Christmas program will be held December 15th at 10:00 a.m. A Christmas Eve service will be held December 24th at 6:30 p.m.
- Congregational Meeting to elect Call Committee, Dec 1st, 10:00 a.m.
- Angel Tree gifts to be returned by December 1st, 9:00 a.m.
- Transition Team, Call Committee, Council, and Bishop’s staff meeting on Dec 10th, 6:30 p.m., Lower Level.
- All Annual Reports need to be electronically submitted to the church office by January 9th, distribution to the congregation will be January 19th, and the Annual Meeting held January 26th.
- Southwestern College would like to use Jacobson Hall this summer for Tai Chi classes. Facility Use Agreements and Insurance requirements were discussed. The church office will follow up.
The meeting closed with prayer at 8:40 p.m. Next Council meeting is December 17, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Flint Wages, Acting Secretary
by debbie | Oct 22, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:35 P.M. by Vice-President Skip Knudsen
Members present
Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Michael Marquez, Bob Petrin, Fred Lacarra and Sherri Coughlin
Transition Team: Chris Lewis, Sheri Barker, Laura Ortiz
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Maryury Lopez, Herb and Dorothy Geier
Opening Prayer
Devotion and Prayer led by Skip K.
Action Items
- September Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.
- Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Sheri B.) to approve the September
- 17th minutes and unanimously approved.
- Minutes from the September 24th Council Workshop were reviewed by Council.
Motion was made (Chris L.) and seconded (Michael M.) to approve the September 24th minutes and unanimously approved.
- Our new Administrative Assistant, Maryury Lopez, was introduced to Council.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the September Financial reports with Council.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Sheri B.) to accept the September Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Pastor Karin reviewed the improved Leadership Structure, as reported in the September 24th Special Council Meeting Minutes.
Discussion held on responsibility of ensuring Committees are meeting and
reporting to Council.
- Property Committee met on Sunday, the 20th. Bob Briggs was identified as the Chairperson.
- Diane Nissan will serve as Committee Co-ordinator and will follow up on committees 2 weeks after Council meets.
- Diane W. reported that the Audit Committee; Diane Nissan, Tom Larsen, and Audrey Voight, met and completed the audit for 2018. Their report will be submitted to Council prior to the next Council meeting.
- Chris L. Reviewed the Gift Policy submitted by the Legacy Committee. We now have more flexibility to grow the fund.
Motion made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Michael M.) to approve the updated Gift Policy, and unanimously approved.
- Visited members in the hospital.
- Expressed her concerns that she is being kept busy in the Administration area.
- Will be out of town from October 31-Nov. 3 to attend the Bishop’s Installation in Seattle. Pastor Andreas will lead the Nov. 3rd Service.
- She will be attending the Interim Ministry Network conference in Baltimore from November 11-14.
- A Quincenera was held on October 5th, with about 50 people in attendance. She proposed to start charging for such events, including being able to pay the musicians. Discussion followed on current Fee Schedule.
- Chris L. Suggested that the Property Committee work with Administration to assess fee for Property usage.
- Personnel Committee
- Pastor Karin reviewed process taken to narrow down 83 applicants for the Admin. Asst. position to 5 candidates. After reviewing their applications, 3 of them were invited for interviews, and Maryury was offered and accepted the position. Updated job descriptions were given to Maryury and to Linne Wienke, our bookkeeper. She will give the updated one to Bob Briggs soon.
- Nominating Committee
- The committee will nominate members for both Council and Call Committee.
- Property Committee
- At their meeting on Sunday, they discussed priorities and identifying issues, maintenance and repairs. They plan to meet again this Sunday, after Worship service.
- Transition Team
- Sheri B. reported she is receiving completed surveys (25 so far) from groups within the church (Cottage meetings). She will hand out surveys to the rest of the Congregation on November 10th.
- The next Soup Supper is scheduled for November 6th. They will continue to hold the Soup Suppers about once a month.
- Worship Committee
- They met on October 6th. Pastor K. discussed changes in the service with them and they discussed that the Congregation was not happy with the changes.
Other Reports/Items
- Board of Equalization Audit. Pastor Karin discussed the results of this audit. There are some issues that need to be addressed regarding our non profit status.
- Facility use. Last Day for the school is this Friday. Korean church is using our facilities more than they are scheduled for. Pastor Karin has discussed this situation with their Pastor.
- Primary Election- SD County has asked to use our facility for election polls on March 3, 2020.
- Bob Petrin and Fred Lacarra agreed to serve out the rest of this term on Council.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2019, at 6:30 P.M. Michael M. will lead opening devotions.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Sep 17, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:36 P.M. by President Bob Lechner
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Michael Marquez, Billy Cox, and Sherri Coughlin
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Marcia Salvestrini
Opening Prayer
Devotion and Prayer led by Diane Wages.
Action Items
- August Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members. Pastor Karin submitted a list of corrections, amendments, to her report, which were reviewed by Council and will be attached to the September Minutes.
- Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Pastor Karin) to approve the August minutes as amended and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the August Financial reports with Council. She noted that for the first time this year our bottom line is in the negative, as shown on the Profit & Loss YTD Comparison.
- Diane recommended that we pay the outstanding Benevolence amount due this week to catch up.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Pastor K.) that we pay the Benevolence amount due of $4,663.00 this week as recommended by Diane, and unanimously approved.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Pastor Alicia) to accept the August Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Marcia Salvestrini Updated Council on the Legacy Committee:
- The 2019 Budget has been spent in the amount of $4,540.00.
- 2 camp scholarships in the amount of $430.00 each were given. Shelbi Annis was awarded a $2000.00 scholarship (attending USD). Pastor Alicia received a $1,000.00 scholarship.
- The balance of the funds will be given to the Christmas in October program.
- Marcia advised that two of the committee members terms are ending, but they are eligible to take another 3 year term.
- Billy Cox has accepted the position on Council.
- There have been new sightings of termite damage in the Sanctuary. The Pest Control company will be out on Friday to inspect.
- Discussion held on missing Listening Devices. There will be a notice in the Bulletin requesting their return.
- A Care Team is being formed for visits to members now that Pastor Kate is no longer serving with us. There needs to be coordination between Pastor Karin and the volunteers making the visits, to include serving communion.
- Esmeralda’s last day is this Thursday, September 19th. Bob L. will come to the office that day to collect her keys. He will also bring her flowers as a thank you for her time with us.
- The last Transition Team supper/meeting is tomorrow, the 18th.
- Due to vacation schedules for Council members, the October Council meeting is being rescheduled to October 22nd.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin discussed issues and concerns she has regarding Council and the Congregation during this Transition period.
- She discussed “barriers” that she feels are holding this congregation back.
- She discussed “distrust and mistrust” within Council and the Congregation.
- She believes there is little respect and support for the Pastor’s office.
- She recommended that the Transition Team members join Council.
▪ Pastor Alicia
- Reported attendance at 2nd service has remained average.
- She is continuing to hold 1st Communion classes.
- She is continuing to hold Bible Study classes.
Other Reports/Items
- Council agreed to hold a Special Council meeting/workshop on Tuesday, September 24th, at 11:00 to address the vision for the church and how to move forward.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2019, at 6:30 P.M.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Aug 20, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:41 P.M. by President Bob Lechner
Members present
Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Michael Marquez, and Sherri Coughlin
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Opening Prayer
Watch Word and Prayer led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- June Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.
- Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Skip K.) to approve the June minutes as presented and unanimously approved.
- July Minutes were reviewed and the following corrections were made:
- Add the last name of Lizarraga to Francisco and Maria, under Guests.
- Correct the Motion, “ Motion made (Pastor Karin) and seconded (Diane) to make the Current Council members the Nominating Committee to elect 2 Interim Council Members. Unanimously approved.” to read “Motion made (Pastor Karin) and seconded (Diane) to make the Current Council members the Nominating Committee to elect 2 Council Members for the remaining term. Unanimously approved.”
- On the second bullet item under “Other Reports/Items”, add the words “all of” between “on” and “of” in the fifth sentence.
Motion was made (Diane) and seconded (Skip) to approve the July Minutes, as amended, and unanimously approved.
- August 13, 2019 Special Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed with the following correction:
- Add Bob Lechner’s name to the list of attendees.
Motion was made (Diane) and seconded (Skip) to approve the August Special Council Meeting Minutes, as amended, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer, Diane Wages, reviewed the July Financial reports with Council. She distributed updated “Envelopes and Loose Offerings” charts for 2016-19.
Motion was made (Skip K.) and seconded (Sherri C.) to accept the July Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- The formation of Committees was discussed:
- Property Committee to include: Dennis Coughlin, Bob Lechner, Bob Briggs, Oscar Uriba, and George Stallard.
- Bob L. will announce that we are looking for volunteers to serve on the Worship Committee at the first Service this Sunday. This committee will include one rep from the Altar Committee.
- Jackson Salvestrini is being replaced as our Audio Visual person by Richard Mac Elroy. Deb Lechner, and Sheri Barker will continue as Substitutes. Bob L. will organize a Thank You recognition for Jackson at an upcoming service.
- Bob L. shared that Billy Cox is willing to serve as a Council Member for the remainder of the term. Pastor Karin has spoken with Bob Petrin, who has agreed to fill the other Council position.
Motion was made (Skip) and seconded (Diane) to appoint and invite Bob P. And Billy C. to serve on Council for the remainder of this term, and unanimously approved.
- Sherri C. asked about the ordering of Pew Envelopes and cards. She advised Council that Betty Vest has volunteered to continue to stock the Pews, once we have the supplies. Pastor K. advised that Esmeralda will order the needed supplies.
- Sherri C. also advised that she had been approached by Tom Larsen regarding the need for additional volunteers to count the Offering on Monday mornings. Bob L. will look for additional volunteers.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor K. has met with Cindy Jones to discuss Disability issues.
- Tri-Annual Assembly- Congregational
- She met with Joel Wudel from Mission Investments. They discussed what happened with St. Mark’s attempt to have a preschool here on our campus.
- She advised that the Thrivent representative suggested that the Legacy committee should come to a Council meeting.
- She discussed an upcoming LEAD (Living Every Day as Disciples) Webinar.
- She attended a Pastor’s conference at Our Savior’s Church.
- She reported on Full Communion Partners, our Main Line neighbors in Chula Vista. She distributed a chart with contact and Service information. These Partners are willing to work with us.
- The Personnel Committee met after church on Sunday to discuss a staff issue. The committee will meet again tomorrow at 4:00.
- She distributed an Average of Service Attendees comparison chart for 2018-19 for both services.
- She advised that our Visitation pastor, Pastor Kate, needs to step down after 4 Years with us. Pastor Karin has reached out to find a replacement.
▪ Pastor Alicia
- Reported attendance at 2nd service has stayed the same. People are leaving, but new people are attending
- A First Communion was held two weeks ago at Sunday Service.
- The movie, “All Saints” was shown to 15 members of the Spanish Service.
- 2nd service members are welcoming and appreciating the translations being done by Alicia at the Transition Team meetings.
Other Reports/Items
- Transition Team meeting scheduled for tomorrow night.
- Discussion held by Council on last week’s Special Council Meeting. How do we proceed going forward?
- Pastor K. suggested that Council members alternate leading devotion (Opening Prayer) each month. Diane volunteered to lead next month, September.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2019, at 6:30 P.M.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Jul 23, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President Bob Lechner
Members present Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Michael Marquez, and Sherri Coughlin (Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Tom Goellrich (Assistant to the Bishop),
Transition Team members: Chris Lewis, Gabby Gutierrez, Francisco and Maria Lizzaraga, Jean Lewis
Opening Prayer Watch Word and Prayer led by Pastor Karin.
Presentation Pastor Tom Goellrich asked for introductions from Council and Transition Team members. He gave greetings from Bishop Andy. He shared his history with the Synod and some of his background with the church. He passed out a Vitality Survey to share with Council and the Transition Team.
The survey is designed to measure 3 areas for the Congregation: 1. Strong relationship with God. 2. Relationship with each other, support of one another. 3. How well is the Congregation doing in relationship with the community. If we decided to use this survey, he would preside over one of our services. Surveys would be distributed and collected from members and sent to Baylor University for scoring.
He passed a sample report of a survey to be reviewed by Council and Transition Team. Surveys would be provided in English and Spanish. Report would be in English.
Questions to be considered: Why do we want to do Survey ; Do we want to do survey? ; When would we want to do survey?; During Transition? Pastor Tom proposed a tentative date of September 22nd, if we choose to have survey done.
Motion was made (Chris Lewis) and seconded (Jean Lewis) to proceed with the Vitality Survey on September 22nd, with a joint service @10:00 a.m. Unanimously approved.
Pastor Tom and the Transition Team members excused themselves from the meeting.
Action Items June Council meeting Minutes were not available for review. They will be emailed to Council members for review and approval at the next Council meeting.
Treasurer, Diane Wages reviewed the June Financial reports with Council. She advised that we are behind in Synod Benevolence payments. Discussion held on whether to make one or two payments at this time. Motion was made (Pastor Karin) and seconded (Skip) to make one payment at this time, and unanimously approved.
Diane distributed Envelope and Loose Offering charts for 2012-2015 and 2016-2019 to Council members for review.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the June Financial report, and unanimously approved.
Raidel C. has resigned from Council. Pastor Karin suggested that he be recognized for his time spent on Council and at the Spanish Ministry church services.
She also advised the Council that per our Constitution, Council has the authority to elect a new Vice President.
Motion made (Diane W.) and seconded (Michael Marquez) to appoint Skip Knudsen as Interim Vice President until next term elections.
Unanimously approved. Discussion was also held on adding additional members to the Council.
Motion made ((Pastor Karin) and seconded (Diane) to make the Current Council members the Nominating Committee to elect 2 Interim Council Members. Unanimously approved.
Other Reports/Items Ordering of the tables and chairs is still in process. Alicia, Gabby, and Esmerelda will now order them.
Summer Camp. WELCA promoted the camp. 20 kids attended, 3 volunteers assisted, and all participants paid tuition. Question came up on whether we should hold the camp next year.
Pastor Karen advised that backgrounders checks were not run on the volunteers, which should have been done.
Bob L. Reported that there was graffiti (numbers) painted on the generator. He will report the incident to the Police Department.
Pastor’s Reports
Pastor Alicia Reported attendance at 2nd service is now fluctuating between 30 and 40 people. She advised that a Quincinera (only the Worship service) was held here at the church last Saturday. Bible studies are being held every other week. 2nd service members are attending the Transition Team meetings.
Pastor Karin Pastor attended two area events: “Live well to age well” in San Diego, and a German Evangelical conference in San Francisco, which was paid for by the German church.
Discussion/feedback on the Transition Team Wednesday night discussions. She requested feedback to take back to the Transition Team.
She attended the Pacific Synod’s Interim Pastor’s meeting.
She advised that the Thrivent representative will talk to the Legacy Committee after the Aug. 4th service.
She reported on Full Communion Partners: they include Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian,and United Church of Christ. She is meeting with them in their Chula Vista locations.
The Property Action Team met today with Ann Gerrietts from Mission Investments Fund to get an assessment of the needs for our property. She advised that a conference on “Vital Signs of a Healthy Steward” and “Real Tools for Real Ministry” will be held on September 30-October 2nd at the Catamaran Resort. The Synod will provide scholarships. Pastor and one (or more) lay person could attend.
Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:18 P.M. Next Council meeting is scheduled for August 20th, 2019.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary
by debbie | Jun 18, 2019 | Council Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice-President Raidel Cubero
Members present
Skip Knudsen, Raidel Cubero, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, Pastor Alicia Saenz, and Sherri Coughlin
Absent: Bob Lechner,
(Gabby Gutierrez is temporarily excused from Council meetings while serving on the Transition Team)
Guests: Sheri Barker
Opening Prayer
Prayer was led by Pastor Karin.
Action Items
- May Council meeting Minutes were distributed and reviewed. Pastor Karin requested that the following statement be added to the minutes under her report: Discussion was held on the removal of the Flags with differing opinions.
Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the Minutes of the May, 2019 Council Meeting, as amended, and unanimously approved.
- Treasurer, Diane Wages reviewed the May Financial reports with Council.
Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the May Financial report, and unanimously approved.
- Sheri Barker addressed Council on behalf of the Transition Team.
- She reviewed the progress the team has made so far; History of St. Mark’s, Wednesday night soup suppers.
- Pastor Karin discussed the various sizes of church’s congregations and how they are run
- Family Size ((0-50 attendees)
- Pastor Size (50-150- Pastor Ron)
- Program Size (150-350- Pastor Chuck)
What type of church do we want to be?
- The next Soup supper is scheduled for June 26th.
- Sheri advised that the last transition for our church took one year. Our current transition could take two years or more.
- The movie. “All Saints” will be shown at one of the upcoming Soup suppers. It is the story of one church that came to the point of possibly closing their doors.
- Sheri distributed copies of the following sections from the Transition Binder;
- Appendix 9 – Review of the Congregation Constitution and Policies
- Appendix 11 – A Review of Staffing Needs and Resources
- Appendix 13 – Stewardship of Property Inventory
- Transition team has discussed having an appraisal/assessment of the property be done to determine what expenses and maintenance may be required to sustain the property for the next 10 years. Discussion was held on what would be the best use of this property for the next 10 years.
- The team will write a report to review/present all of the data/research they have been studying on the community around us, which will be given to Council, and to the Call Committee.
- The team is requesting the participation of Council Members at the upcoming Soup Suppers. They are also looking into holding some of the Wednesday conversations on some Sunday mornings to accommodate members of the congregation who are unable to attend Wednesday evenings.
- Ordering of the tables and chairs is still being looked into. Bob Briggs has been researching and will provide Pastor Karin with Quotes, which she will review.
- Action Teams- Discussion was held on the best way to update our Constitution. Pastor Karin recommended that we set up an Action Team, led by Herb Geier. Member Care and Worship committee Action teams have met. Facilities is scheduled for this Sunday, June 23rd.
- Discussion was held on the pattern of giving during the church year. Diane volunteered to prepare a comparison chart – 5 years, not to include 2016 & 2017.
Pastor’s Reports
- Pastor Karin met with Tom Goellrich, Assistant to the Bishop. He asked if redevelopment was an option for St. Mark’s. She explained the purpose of a Redevelopment Pastor, and that there is training being held in August for this type of Pastor. Our Transition team has expressed concern at changing the direction of the church at this time.
Tom Goelrich would like to attend a Council meeting and present a “Vitality Study”.
- Pastor Karin discussed issues still involving worship service. Communication still needs to be improved.
- She said that while the service for Betty Cunningham went well, she would like to see some changes:
- Council President should open/welcome at Memorial Services.
- Kleenex should be provided in pews
- Reception plans need to be better organized, communicated.
- Ushers need to be provided.
- Everything connected to Baptisms, Weddings, and Memorials should go through the Pastor’s office to avoid communication issues.
- While there were positive responses to the Pentecost Sunday Bilingual Service, there were still some communication issues.
- Reported attendance at 2nd service is fluctuating between 19 and 45 people.
- Pentecost Sunday went very well
- 1st Communion and a Baptism were held last week.
- She informed Council that there have been requests for child care/nursery services be provided during the Soup Suppers. Melissa is not able to work on Wednesday evenings. Discussion held on how we can provide this service.
- The Seminar on Pastoral Care, which she attended in St. Paul, MN, went very well.
- Pastor Gloria is now her Mentor for her classes.
- Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for July 23, 2019.
Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary