St. Mark’s Council Minutes, March 23, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:06 P.M. by Sheri Barker

Members present  Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sheri Barker, Sherri Coughlin, and Rachael Perez Minister: Pastor Dan

Guests Dick Bolin

Opening Prayer Devotion and Prayer led by Rachael Perez

Action Items

• February 25th 2020 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.     

Motion:  Approve to the February 25th 2020 minutes.  Motion by Diane W., second by Bob L.  Unanimously approved.

• Bob Briggs was contacted by Tower Point regarding the Use of the Verizon Tower. Tower Point would like to pay St. Marks $375,000 to purchase the lease of the tower for 99 years; Tower Point would then lease out the tower to other carries to make a profit, a portion of each sub-lease would return to St. Mark’s. We currently receive $20,400/year from the Verizon contract.

There could be Capital Gains as well as Property Tax Implications in this sale.  Dick Bolin is reviewing and will provide the council with more details as he finds them out.

Dick Bolin researched the Property Tax of Equalization notice for the state of CA. and spoke to Yen, a Representative. This is an ongoing topic and Dick is staying in contact with The Board of Equalization.  

▪   Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the February Financial reports with Council.   

Motion:  Approve the Financial Report as presented.   Motion by Sherri C.  and seconded  by Bob L.  Unanimously approved.


Pastor Dan

▪ Pastor Dan is investigating how to use our puppets to enhance his online sermons

▪ Good Friday On-Line Service at 5:30pm

▪ Palm Sunday On-Line Service – Pastor Alicia

▪ Easter Service On-Line- Pastor Dan 

Property Committee

• Bob Lechner shared information regarding the work that will need to be done around St. Marks.  A&M Rehab Construction has provided an estimate for the roofing of Jacobson Hall and the upper campus buildings.

• Due to the budget shortfall and the uncertainties surrounding COVID-19, Diane Wages recommended that we wait 3 months and then re-evaluate budget stability before contracting with A&M to do the roofing.  Council agreed.

• Sherri C. suggested a capital campaign to fund the roofing project when we are worshipping together again in the sanctuary.  Council agreed.

• Council asked Bob Lechner to follow up with Bobb Briggs and Chris Lewis to determine the necessary/ immediate jobs in priority order. One of the first areas needing attention as soon as possible is Jacobson Hall’s roof.  

Leadership Development:   Discussion of Leading Through a Crisis – Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Reverend Paul Chappell.

⁃ Focus on the Power of Prayer – Trust in God – Go to the Need

⁃ Next steps for Council:  Follow up with everyone – how can we better care for our members?

New Business:

▪ Melissa Tierra will be resigning 4/16/20

Rachael Perez closed the meeting with Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 P.M.

Next Council meeting will be Monday April 27, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Submitted by Rachael Perez, Secretary

St. Mark’s Church Council Minutes February 25, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:34 P.M. by Bob Lechner 

Members present 
Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sheri Barker, Sherri Coughlin, and Rachael Perez Minister: Alicia Saenz 

Guests Dick Bolin 

Opening Prayer  Devotion and Prayer led by Bob Lechner 

Action Items 

▪ January 21st 2020 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members. 

Motion: Approve to the January 21st 2020 minutes. Motion by Diane W., second by Sherri C. Unanimously approved. 

Bob L. opened up the election of church council roles 

Motion: Accept the Church Council roles for 2020 as described in the agenda. 

Motion by Sherri C., second by Diane W. Unanimously approved. 

Dick Bolin researched the Property Tax of Equalization notice for the state of CA and spoke to a Representative. The information provided by Dick indicated that while St. Marks is generally considered a non-profit religious organization, there are two relatively small exceptions due to 1) Verizon Cell tower on the property which is a for-profit company, as well as 2) Lutheran Social Services, our tenant which is not considered a religious organization. So St. Marks must continue paying a small amount of property taxes for the present time. 

However, pending further study by Dick Bolin, St. Marks may need to update/ modify the Articles of Incorporation in order to reduce exposure to property taxes. Dick will continue to explore options to minimize taxes with this CA Board. 

▪ Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the January Financial reports with Council. 

Motion: Approve the Financial Report as presented. Motion by Sherri C. and seconded by Sheri B. Unanimously approved. 


Pastor Alicia 

▪ Alicia asked for more publicity and assistance with the Easter Egg Hunt festivities to draw more children in. 

▪ Bishop Andy was very impressed when he attended the Hispanic Service at his last visit on 2/16/20. 

▪ Ash Wednesday services will be held 2/26/20. 5:30 p.m. English, 7:00 p.m. Spanish. 

Property Committee 

▪ Bob Lechner shared information regarding the work that will need to be done around St. Marks. There is a contractor willing to do the work, but due to the budget, the property committee will determine the necessary/ immediate jobs in priority order. One of the first areas needing attention is Jacobson Hall’s roof. 

Leadership Development: Discussed the Introduction of Brene` Brown’s Dare to Lead 

New Business

▪ Lenten Potlucks begin 3/4/20 at 5:30pm each Wednesday evening in Lent through 4/1/20. 

▪ Kitchen up-keep, cleaning being done, need to speak to other groups using it. Sheri will follow up with representatives of other congregations regarding monthly deep cleaning. 

▪ Hall Rental fee being reconsidered. A team will be formed to review costs and appropriate rental rates for members and non-members. 

▪ Musicians are booked through Easter, after that a Worship Team will need to review. 

Sheri Barker closed the meeting with Prayer. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:31 P.M. 

Next Council meeting will be Monday March 23, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm 

Submitted by Rachael Perez, Secretary 

Annual Meeting of the Congregation – January 26, 2020

2019 Annual Report in English – Download

2019 Annual Report in Spanish – Download

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES – Pending Congregation Approval

St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

January 26, 2020, submitted by Sheri Barker

President Robert (Bob) Lechner called the 66th Annual Congregational Meeting to order at 10:25 a.m.  President Lechner acknowledged a quorum of 35 members was present and a sign-in sheet was circulated to record the members in attendance.  Pastor Karin Boye led the congregation in an opening prayer and Spanish language minister Alicia Saenz translated key points of the meeting for the Hispanic members of the congregation.

Approval of the Minutes:  President Lechner asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the January 27, 2019 Annual Meeting.  Motion to approve the January 27, 2019 minutes of the Annual Meeting was made by Herb Geier, seconded by Billy Cox, and unanimously approved.

Election of the 2020 Church Council:  Continuing members:  Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sherri Coughlin.  Michael Marquez, Freddie Lizarraga, Sheri Barker and Rachel Perez were elected as new members.  Motion to approve the 2020 Church Council as nominated was made by Ann Larsen, seconded by Roz Nelson and unanimously approved.

Election of 2020 Legacy Committee:  The Legacy Committee consisting of Meredith McCall, Chris Lewis, Marcia Salvestrini, Rachel Perez and Karl Larsen were elected.  Motion to approve the Legacy Committee as nominated was made by Roz Nelson, seconded by Bob Lechner and unanimously approved.

Election of 2021 Nominating Committee:  The 2021 Nominating Committee consisting of Roz Nelson, Diane Wages, Bob Lechner, Dorothy Geier and Laura Marquez were elected.  Motion to approve the 2021 Nominating Committee as nominated was made by Audrey Voight, seconded by Herb Geier and unanimously approved.

Election of Lay Representatives for 2020 Pacifica Synod Assembly, May 28-30, 2020 at California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA.  President Lechner requested a volunteer to represent St. Marks.  Herb and Dorothy Geier volunteered to participate on behalf of St. Marks.

Presentation of 2020 Budget:  An amended 2019 Balance Sheet and Proposed Budget was handed out to the congregation.  Diane Wages presented the 2019 Balance Sheet and explained the components. 

The only difference between the 2020 Proposed Budget that was included in the Annual Report and the one approved by the Congregation in this meeting is the addition of the Independent Worship Technician which was accidentally left off the version shared with members in the Annual Report. 

Reserve Accounts:  Diane explained that the new Balance Sheet format shows the Reserve Accounts that were established in 2019 for Facilities (Buildings & Grounds), Pastoral Call (support for the Call Committee’s needs), Debt Service, and Money Market reserve.  These funds represent designated savings to be drawn down as needed for each area of concern.  These Reserves will not show up on the Profit and Loss statements. 

Since the Reserve accounts are savings for specific purposes, it is important that the congregation monitor these accounts and strive to replenish the accounts as they are drawn down.  To assist with this matter, Church Council has approved that any excess income at the end of a year be transferred to one of the savings accounts to offset expenditures.  $7,934 will be transferred to the Facilities Reserve to assist with the anticipated roofing project for the outbuildings in 2020.

Designated Funds:  Diane pointed out that the $3905 in the Project Hand account represents funds given by the congregation.  These funds are drawn down periodically by Project Hand to buy groceries.

Long Term Liabilities:  Diane noted that the Revitalization Loan is finally below $300,000.  This is important because, for the first time, the majority of our payments will be applied to the principal rather than interest.

Proposed Budget:  The 2020 Proposed budget was presented against the historical data from 2018 and 2019.  Diane noted that the 2018 Actuals show how generous the congregation was in helping rebuild the financial foundation for St. Marks.  We were not paying for a pastor or an office assistant, so we had a net income of $144,882 with a positive cash flow of $104,753 for the year.  We were able to stabilize the church through the dedicated efforts of the members both financially and through their unselfish volunteer efforts.

The 2019 income was less, as anticipated, than 2018 because many members caught up on postponed giving or assisted with the Adopt-a-Bill campaign during 2018.  Both spending and income were below expectations, so we ended the year with a net cash flow for the second year in a row.  The 2020 proposed Budget estimates total income at $320,900 reflecting an increase of only $825 over 2019. 

Pastoral Salary:  Since we don’t know exactly what we will need for our new Settled Pastor’s all-inclusive salary, the Budget Committee (comprised of Diane Wages, Diane Nissen, Laura Ortiz, Audrey Voigt and Tom Larsen ) used Synod input to arrive at an estimated $100,000 total package for a new pastor.  This may need to be modified when the Call Committee selects a potential candidate and begins negotiations. 

Staff Salaries:  The Budget Committee has reduced staff salaries slightly because staff did not fully utilize their budgeted hours in 2019.  Each staff member has a maximum annual salary budgeted in parentheses after the position designation. 

Other Major Category Notes:

  • Administrative Expenses are anticipated to remain stable in 2020.
  • Building Maintenance was decreased to $5,000 in 2020.  This is in anticipation that the majority of the maintenance will be major projects and be appropriately drawn from the Facility Reserve Fund.
  • The congregation has returned to paying the full budgeted Synod Benevolence in 2019.  The 2020 budget reflects a $750 increase in Benevolence.
  • A new line item was added in the 2020 budget:  $1,000 for Mission.  During the Transition Team potlucks with the congregation, the discussion was begun about making St. Marks a mission church.  Although this Mission has not been fully defined, the Budget Committee wanted to ensure there is a budget item to support the new Mission focus.
  • Diane Nissan pointed out that “a budget is not a spending plan.  It is our best guess about income and expenditures.”  We may need to adjust these estimates as the year progresses, depending on the month-to-month totals.  Church Council and the Budget Committee will continue to monitor our progress.

Diane Wages ended her budget presentation by thanking the congregation for being so generous with time, talent and money.  Together, through our individual and collective gifts, we have kept St. Marks alive and working well.

Motion to Adopt the 2020 Budget as presented was made by Chris Lewis, seconded by George Stallard, and unanimously approved.

Other Business:

Questions about St. Marks:  Bob Lechner encouraged members to come to Church Council (either at a meeting or individually) with any question or concern about St. Marks.  If you choose to attend a Council Meeting, you will be first on the agenda so you can ask your question, make a suggestion or provide other input, and then you can be on your way.

Flickering Lights in the Sanctuary:  Concern was expressed about the flickering lights in the Sanctuary.  At first, just the choir lights were flickering and that problem was solved by turning up the amps that feed the lights.  The Property Committee will investigate further and make a recommendation to Church Council regarding resolution of the problem.

Legacy Committee By-Laws:  Marcia Salvestrini asked the congregation to approve the new By-Laws for the Legacy Committee.  Ann Larsen moved to approve the new By-Laws, George Stallard seconded the motion, and the congregation voted unanimously to approve.

In closing, President Bob Lechner thanked the many volunteers who serve St. Marks every day, for example:  The Altar Committee, the Transition Team, Master Gardener Kyra Petrin, Ann & Karl Larsen and the coffee volunteers, and the many people who show up mid-week and on weekends to assist with property maintenance and a myriad of other unknown, but critical, tasks that keep St. Marks moving forward.

Motion to Adjourn was made by Bob Petrin, seconded by Ann Larsen and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:14 a.m.


St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

JANUARY 26, 2020

President Bob Lechner called the Special Meeting of the Congregation to order at 11:15 a.m.

The purpose of this meeting was to elect a second Alternate member for the Call Committee to represent the voice of our Hispanic members in the Call process.  Gabby Gutierrez has volunteered to serve in this capacity on the Call Committee.

The motion to approve Gabby Gutierrez as second Alternate to the Call Committee was made by Billy Cox, seconded by Dick Bolin and unanimously approved by the congregation.

Motion to Adjourn the Special Congregational Meeting was made by Bob Petrin, seconded by Sheri Barker and unanimously approved by the congregation.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 a.m.

St. Mark’s Church Council Minutes January 21, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:35 P.M. by President Bob Lechner

Members present

Bob Lechner, Skip Knudsen, Diane Wages, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin

Transition Team:  Sheri Barker,

Opening Prayer

Devotion and Prayer led by Pastor Karin

Action Items

  • December Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.    
  • Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Billy C.) to approve the December
  • 17th minutes and unanimously approved.
  • Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the December Financial reports with Council.  
    • Balance sheet should have been included in the Annual Report.   It will be distributed separately at the Annual meeting on Sunday.
    • Billy brought up that the Fellowship Fund #34400 should be dissolved and the balance should be transferred to the General Fund.
    • Also, the Termite extermination for Project Hand should be charged to their Designated Fund #30330
    • Diane also reviewed the 2020 proposed Budget.   An amended Proposed Budget will be distributed at the Annual Meeting.

Motion was made (Sherri C.) and seconded (Skip K.) to accept the December Financial report, and unanimously approved.


  • Annual Report & Annual Meeting
  • Pastor K reviewed the Annual Report.
    • Maryury had received reports but they were not all in compatible formats so she had to retype some of them.   Pastor Karin’s report was not correct.   There are training issues that should be addressed by next year’s Council.   She would like to see a Communications group formed.
    • Discussion was held on suggesting candidates for the next Synod Assembly.   Bob will ask if anyone is interested at the Annual Meeting.
    • Discussion was held on Security issues.
  • Pastor Karin
  • Asked for feedback on her Annual report.
    • Discussion was held on date to hold the Church Council Retreat.    Members agreed on Sunday, Feb. 9th from 12:00 to 4;00.  
    • Discussion held on outside groups looking to rent space at our church.   Agreed that the Office should be the Point of Contact.   Requests for long term use should then be referred to Bob Briggs and the Property Committee.
  • Bob Lechner  closed the meeting with Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.

Next Council meeting will be scheduled by the new Council at the Council Retreat.

Submitted by S. Coughlin, Secretary

Equipo de Transición – Enero de 2020

Equipo de Transición – Enero de 2020

El Ministerio Hispano de St. Mark’s y el Equipo de Transición tuvimos una muy exitosa comida el Domingo 12 de enero al mediodía. Disfrutamos de una gran convivencia, una comida increíble y participamos en una discusión desafiante sobre St. Marks. El equipo de transición compartió las páginas de resumen de la Encuesta de vitalidad congregacional que 77 miembros completaron en Octubre del año pasado.

Aquí hay un resumen de la información que compartimos: Hay nueve áreas que afectan la salud y la vitalidad de una congregación, pero no todas son igualmente importantes. Las congregaciones vitales y sostenibles deben construirse desde abajo a lo largo de dos vías. Los bloques inferiores forman la base de nuestra congregación. Las dos vías se describen a continuación.

Misión: Establecer la presencia activa de Dios y discernir una misión clara establece el tono para la cultura y las actitudes de una congregación sobre ellos mismos y sus vecinos. Esas actitudes conducen a programas / actividades en la comunidad y la congregación.

Via de Liderazgo: Desarrollar capacidad y crear energía para la misión desarrollando habilidades en líderes laicos y fortaleciendo las relaciones en toda la congregación. Esto conduce a una mejor gestión de recursos e, idealmente, a mejores recursos. Las relaciones débiles y/o la baja confianza pueden evitar que las congregaciones avancen en la misión.

¿Cómo esta St. Marks?

La fortaleza en los bloques fundamentales es importante tanto para la vitalidad como para la sostenibilidad. A menudo, las congregaciones en declive descubren que los bloques de sus cimientos son débiles. Las bases débiles amenazan la sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Aquí está el enlace donde se pueden ver los resultados de la encuesta de vitalidad de nuestra iglesia. 

St. Mark’s Church Survey Results
St. Mark’s Church Vitality Barcharts

Conclusiones y próximo paso:

Acerca de los resultados de la Encuesta de Vitalidad, creo que la congregación de San Marcos debería estar orgullosa de lo lejos que hemos llegado. Hace dos años, la misma encuesta habría sido completamente negativa, pero en este punto los resultados de la encuesta no deberían sorprendernos. La encuesta muestra lo que todos sabemos, hay mucho trabajo por hacer, somos una iglesia resucitada, resucitamos de manera asombrosa y victoriosa de la triste experiencia que tuvimos hace 18 meses.

Ahora, como una congregación revivida, ahora todos debemos centrarnos en el mismo objetivo: ¿Qué puedo YO hacer para ayudar a St. Mark’s a ser la iglesia que Dios nos ha llamado a ser para la comunidad de Chula Vista y la Iglesia Cristiana en general? 

Filipenses 4: 13 – Puedo hacer todas las cosas a través de aquel que me fortalece. 

2 Timoteo 1: 7 – porque Dios no nos dio un espíritu de cobardía, sino un espíritu de poder, de amor y de autodisciplina.