St. Mark’s Church Council Minutes: Special Meeting June 27th, 2020

Meeting called to order at 10:00am by President Sheri Barker

Members present:   Sheri Barker, Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sherri Coughlin, and Rachael Perez, Pastor Alicia

Absent:   Pastor Dan, Freddie Lacarra, Michael Marquez

Action Items

Decision on Term of Lease Sale & Affirm Process for Congregational Vote. Whether Council should consider 30 year, 50 year, or 99 year lease with Tower Point. Most members were supporting the 99 year term, which would pay us $375,000.00. 

New information:  After 3 years, if Verizon vacates the property and TowerPoint cannot replace them, St. Mark’s can unilaterally terminate the easement agreement.     

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  • • Motion to Recommend that the congregation sell Verizon Lease to TowerPoint for a term of _____ years, in return for a lump sum payment of $_________________. 
  • • Key Question:  What is the term that is most likely to get a YES vote from the majority of the congregation? 
  • • We will hold the vote this next week–sending out the ballot link via newsletter, Facebook and on the website starting tomorrow at 6:00 PM.  We will mail ballots to the 23 members who receive snail-mailed bulletins once a month and call to follow up.  All votes will be due by next Sunday, July 5, at 1:00 PM.  That will allow us to advise Dick on the direction of the congregation regarding finalizing negotiations with TowerPoint.

Motion was made (Sheri B.), seconded (Bob L.), and unanimously approved to recommend the 99 year term to sell the Verizon lease to Tower Point.  This motion will be forwarded to the congregation for a congregational vote, June 28 – July 6.  Members will vote online, mail in ballot or call in to the church office.

Meeting adjourned at 10:47 AM

Next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 27th (Zoom)

Submitted by Rachael Perez

St. Mark’s Council Minutes, June 22, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:08 P.M. by President Sheri Barker

Members present:   Sheri Barker, Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Michael Marquez, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Pastor Dan Cole, and Sherri Coughlin

Absent:   Rachael Perez, Freddie Lacarra

Opening Prayer

Devotion and Prayer led by Bob Lechner

Action Items

  • May Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.     One correction was made.    Changed the word “purse” to “pursue” under “Motion:   Approve Dick Bolin to Purse Tower Point Letter of Intent”.
  • Motion was made (Michael M)) and seconded (Diane W.) to approve the May 18, 2020 minutes as corrected and unanimously approved.
  • Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the May Financial reports with Council. 
  • Due to a number of errors in the May Financial reports, Diane requested time to correct the errors and resubmit the reports for approval at the next Council meeting.
  • Diane reviewed the Profit & Loss statement with Council and pointed out that our total Income is very close to budgeted amount.  We should be at 50% at the end of June. She noted that this is very commendable under current circumstances.
  • Decision on Term of Lease Sale & Affirm Process for Congregational Vote.

Lengthy discussion held on whether Council should consider 30-year, 50 year, or 99-year lease with Tower Point.  Most members were supporting the 99-year term, which would pay us $375,000.00.  Diane shared her analysis which supported the 50-year term, giving us $350,000.00.  She pointed out the percentage differences between 30-year versus 50 year (16% increase) and 50 year vs. 99 years (only 7%).  

Sheri then informed Council that she has been recently contacted by two other companies that are interested in purchasing our Lease. She has referred one of the requests to Dick Bolin for review and follow up. She is waiting to hear back from the second company for a written request.

Discussion was then held on whether or not to postpone this Sunday’s Congregational vote on accepting Tower Point’s proposal.  It was concluded and agreed that we should postpone the vote to allow us the time to investigate the additional offers, and be able to present the best possible deal for our church to the Congregation.

  • SMC commitment for Mission Support.

Sheri Barker presented a document from the Synod which was provided to make a commitment for the next twelve months.  We have already make a 25% increase from 2019 ($15,000) to 2020 ($20.000).  Diane reported that we have paid $5,000.00 for the first quarter and requested that our second payment is due this month.

Motion was made (Diane W.) and seconded (Michael M.) to make the second payment of $5,000 to the Synod prior to June 30th and unanimously approved.

  • Re-opening St. Mark’s for in-person worship.
  • Pastor Dan is suggesting that we possibly re-open in August and hold services outside in the courtyard, at least for a couple of months.
  • On-line services will continue.
  • Aurundaum plans to begin in-person worship on July 5th.
  • Pastor Alicia is considering re-opening Spanish Services on July 19th.

Discussion Items


  • Roofing & Repair of Upper Campus buildings project is completed.
  • Dennis C. & Bob B. will be re-staining the pews in the sanctuary this week.
  • Funding has been received for the Stimulus Payroll Protection Plan application.
  • Synod grant for COVID 19 support in the amount of $1,000.00 has been received and a Go Pro camera was purchased.


  • Pastor Dan-
  • Preaching, busy delivering items to those in need.
  • Met with the Worship Committee
  • Making phone calls to members
  • Pastor Alicia-
  • Preaching, planning services, calling members.
  • Personnel Committee-
  1. The committee met on Saturday and made the following decisions:
  2. It was agreed to increase Maryury’s hours from 20 hours to 24 hours per week.   She was sent a letter informing her of the increase and giving her options to create a new work schedule
  3. It was also agreed to expand Jason’s independent contractor role.  He also received a letter confirming his expanded roles and the decision to maintain the additional $75 per week he has been receiving to provide increased leadership in worship and music design.
  • Bob Lechner closed the meeting with Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.

Next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 27th (Zoom)

Submitted by S. Coughlin

St. Mark’s Council Minutes, May 18, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:06 P.M. by Sheri Barker via ZOOM meeting

Members present 

Lay Leadership:  Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sheri Barker, Sherri Coughlin, and Rachael Perez

Ministers: Pastor Dan Cole and Pastor Alicia Saenz

Absent:  Freddie Fran Lacarra, Michael Marquez


Dick Bolin

Opening Prayer

Devotion and Prayer led by Sheri Barker

Action Items

• April 27, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.     

Motion:  Approve to the April 27, 2020 minutes.  Motion by Sherri C., second by Diane W.  Unanimously approved.

• Tower Point Purchase of the Verizon Cell Tower Contract Information is being gathered and reviewed by Dick Bolin. This is for the current Verizon tower and an additional space of 250 sq. feet. The next step is to get a Letter of Intent from Tower Point. Once that is received, Dick will insert an addendum with a Non-Binding Agreement.  Tower Point is offering a lump sum payment of $375,000 for a 99-year term lease, or a 50-year term lease for $350,000 payment, or 30-year term lease for $300,000 payment.  In addition, St. Mark’s receives 60% of any lease income when Tower Point Sub-leases space of our tower. Dick will review any Tax implications, and research Previous Contracts with other companies to gather data. There will be an Informational Zoom meeting with the Congregation on May 31, June 4 and 14, 2020.  A final opportunity to ask questions will be available both via Zoom and in person at church on Sunday, June 28, 4:00 – 5:00 PM.  The congregation will vote Yes or No to selling the lease on June 28 or 29.  Members will be offered a method to vote online during the week of June 23 – June 28.  Final paper ballots are due to the office by Monday, June 29 by 1:00 PM.

Next steps:

  • Move forward with Discussion
  • Research additional Information about TowerPoint
  • Review Tax Liabilities
  • Keep Congregation informed
  • All Zoom meetings with the Congregation will be recorded and available online.
  • Congregation meeting and vote on Sunday, June 28.  If the congregation votes to approve the sale of the Verizon lease to TowerPoint, Attorney Dick Bolin will actively negotiate the Letter of Intent and the Lease Purchase Agreement on behalf of St. Mark’s.

Motion: Approve Dick Bolin to Pursue Tower Point Letter of Intent, motion by Diane W. , second by Sherri C.  Unanimously approved. 

▪ CA Board of Equalization:  Dick Bolin is in contact with the State of CA. regarding the California Board of Equalization (CBE) notices and has been speaking to different representatives.  Dick suggests that St. Marks re-write the Articles of Incorporation based on the recommendation of the CBE representatives. 

▪   Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the April Financial reports with Council.   

Motion:  Approve the Financial Report as presented.  Motion by Sherri C.   and seconded by Diane W.  Unanimously approved.

  • Contract with A & M Rehab for Roofing Project gutters need to be replaced. Sheri B. recommends proceeding with this project, there is money set aside to pay for this.
  • Motion: Approve A & M to replace the Gutters. Motion by Diane W. and Second by Bob L. Unanimously approved.
  • Approve The Re-hire of Angelina and Eduardo Garcia for Nursery Staff. Motion by Bob L. And Second by Sherri C.  Unanimously approved.


Pastor Dan

  • Pastor Dan is continuing devotions, prayers, phone calls, and sermons
  • Music Committee Planning
  • Reinstate Worship Committee

Pastor Alicia

  • Pastor Alicia is planning a worship service for the Spanish service “Day of the Dead Celebration.”  
  • Property Committee
  • Refining Policies
  • Document Job descriptions, put packet together for Diane Nissen

Leadership Development:   Discussion of 17 Efficiency Management Principles during This Crisis: Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Reverend Paul Chappell.

⁃ Focus on the Power of Prayer – Trust in God – Go to the Need

⁃ Next steps for Council:  Follow up with everyone – how can we better care for our members?

What have we learned during these past two months?

  • We are anxious to get back to church
  • We ARE the church – Christ to each other
  • Our connection with the Holy Spirit
  • Phone calls have increased member connection and caring

New Business:

  • ELCA Grant of $1,000 to off-set the cost of the GO-PRO camera, Tripod.
  • Project Hand donation from Paseo Del Rey Church
  • Masks Ministry donations have been made for purchasing additional fabric and supplies.
  • Motion: To approve grant for $1,000. Motion made by Bob L. and second by Sherri C. 
  • Pending Opening of the Nursery (unlikely before Fall):  Clean and organize the Nursery.  Clean and replace toys for the Nursery. 

Sheri Barker closed the meeting with Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 P.M.

Next Council meeting will be Monday June 22, 2020 6:00 – 8:00 PM via Zoom

Submitted by Rachael Perez, Secretary

St. Mark’s Council Minutes, April 27, 2020

Meeting called to order at 6:06 P.M. by Sheri Barker

Members present

Lay Leadership:  Bob Lechner, Diane Wages, Sheri Barker, Sherri Coughlin, and Rachael Perez

Ministers: Pastor Dan Cole and Pastor Alicia Saenz

Absent:  Freddie Fran Lacarra, Michael Marquez


Dick Bolin

Opening Prayer

Devotion and Prayer led by Sheri Barker

Action Items

•           March 23, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed by Council members.    

•           Motion:  Approve to the March 23, 2020 minutes.  Motion by Sheri B., second by Diane W.  Unanimously approved.

  • Approve Diane Wages and Sherri Coughlin as continued authorized signers on bank accounts. And add Sheridan Barker as an authorized signer.  Unanimously approved. 

•           Tower Point Information is being gathered and reviewed by Dick Bolin. The council will be updated as Dick learns more.  Dick has discovered that Verizon has not been paying $180.00 each month to St. Marks for the past 3+ years.

Motion: Approve Dick Bolin to request a Retroactive amount of $180.00 per month for the past 3+ years from Verizon, motion by Bob L. , second by Diane W.  Unanimously approved.

▪           Dick Bolin is in contact with the State of CA. regarding the California Board of Equalization (CBE) notices and has been speaking to different representatives.  Dick suggests that St. Marks re-write the Articles of Incorporation based on the recommendation of the CBE representatives.

▪           Treasurer Diane Wages reviewed the March Financial reports with Council.  

        Motion:  Approve the Financial Report as presented.   Motion by Bob L.   and seconded by Alicia S.  Unanimously approved.

  • Contract with A & M Rehab for Roofing Project Approved by email with 7 Yes votes and 0 No votes on April 18, 2020.
    • Stimulus Payroll application Approved by email with 7 Yes votes and 0 No votes on April 14, 2020.
  • Motion: Approve the Ministry Site Profile on 4/23/2020. Motion by Diane W. and Second by Sherri C. Unanimously approved.
  • Approve Sheri Barker & Sherri Coughlin as authorized signers on the St. Mark’s accounts held at Union Bank.  Unanimously approved.


            Pastor Dan

▪           Pastor Dan is continuing devotions, prayers, phone calls, and sermons

Property Committee

•           A&M Rehab Construction continues to work on the roofing repairs and expects to be finished soon.

Leadership Development:   Discussion of 17 Efficiency Management Principles during This Crisis: Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Reverend Paul Chappell.

            ⁃           Focus on the Power of Prayer – Trust in God – Go to the Need

            ⁃           Next steps for Council:  Follow up with everyone – how can we better care                         for our members?

New Business:

Sheri Barker closed the meeting with Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 P.M.

Next Council meeting will be Monday May 18, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Submitted by Rachael Perez, Secretary