The meeting was called to order by Council President David Perez at 10:30 AM.
Pastor Ron opened with prayer.
The minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting were read. Herb Geier made a motion to accept the minutes. Georgene Nightingale seconded, approved by all.
Budget: The 2015 Budget was presented to the congregation one week prior to the Annual Meeting.
Barbara Attwood noted that under General Administration, the contract for an Interim Youth Pastor did not need to be budgeted since we had hired a permanent Youth Pastor.
Barbara Attwood proposed that the Budget be a living document so that each line item does not have to be so strictly adhered to, allowing the Council to move from the budget if needed.
Barbara Attwood stated that the music budget for last year was $2,000.00. Under current accounting, if the allotted money is not spent, the proposed budget for the next year is reduced. She stated this is not conducive to planning for future projects and made a motion that the $2,000.00 be available for the music budget each year regardless how much was spent. The motion was seconded by Nancy Dressen, and approved by all.
Diane Flint explained the difference between Cash Accounting and Accrual Accounting practices and how the Accrual method evens out discrepancies. The Accrual method breaks up large one time payments , like insurance, and distributes them into monthly portions, eliminating large swings in cash flow. Phyllis Stallard stated that $28,000 outstanding for the loan was not included in the budget, and that if it had, the budget was not balanced. Pastor Ron stated that it was due to the change in accounting practices. The motion to accept the budget, with corrections was made by David Perez, seconded by Ann Larson, approved by all.
Pastor Ron explained the Letter to the Congregation, which listed options to increase income from sources outside of envelope giving. These sources included a proposed Charter School and a buy-out of the Verizon cell tower contract.
Herb Geier requested that any changes to the cell tower contract be reviewed by the Council and voted upon by the Congregation.
A potential Eagle Scout project was presented to have a raised flower bed built in front of the church. Pastor Ron stated that it is legal in California to have cremated remains buried in this bed. There would also be a board inside the Narthex with engraved brass plaques for each person whose ashes are buried here.
Mike Collins was thanked for his work on the Council. Sue Conners asked if there was a nominating committee to seek new members. David Perez said there would be. The Endowment Committee stated they were also seeking new members for the coming year.
The motion to adjourn was made by Barb Attwood, seconded by Bob Lechner and approved by all. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.
Bob Lechner,