The Annual Report for the January 30, 2022 Meeting of the Congregation
To Download the Annual Report in English (Click Here) or scroll down this page to read it online
To Download the Financials (Click Here)
To Download & Print a paper ballot (Click Here)
To Vote online (Click Here)
Directions for Voting
o After “in-person” Annual Meeting at St. Mark’s (if attending)
o vote online during the ZOOM of the Annual Meeting
o Monday, January 31, 2022, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM in the office
2022 Annual Meeting of the Congregation recorded January 30, 2022
Annual Meeting Q&A on the Budget recording January 23rd 2022.
(will be uploaded here 2 hours after we finish the live zoom recording, around noon)
2021 Annual Report
For the January 30, 2022 Meeting of the Congregation
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Mission, Vision and Core Values
Agenda for the January 30, 2022 Annual Meeting – Sheri Barker
Minutes of the January 31, 2021 Annual Meeting – Sheri Barker
Proposed Candidates for Church Council 2022
St. Mark’s Church Council Report – Sheri Barker
Senior Pastor’s Report – Pastor Karla
Spanish Language Minister’s Report – Pastor Alicia
Financial Reports
2020 Audit Report – Diane Wages
2022 Proposed Budget – Diane Wages
2022 Memorial Endowment Proposed Budget
Election of Congregational Representatives
Candidates for Church Council 2022
Candidates for Legacy Committee 2022
Candidates for Nominating Committee 2022
Candidates for Pacifica Synod 2022
Ministry Reports
- Pastoral Acts – Pastor Karla
- Altar Committee/Coffee Ministry Report – Ann Larsen
- Angel Tree Ministry Report – Meredith McCall
- Communications Report – Debbie Lechner
- Legacy Committee & Memorial Endowment Report – Chris Lewis
- Member Care Ministry Report – Dorothy Geier
- Prayer Quilt Ministry Report – Roz Nelson
- Project Hand – Sue Connors
- Property Committee Report – Bob Lechner & Bobb Briggs
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Mission, Vision and Core Values
God’s Mission for St. Marks:
Celebrating God’s love and forgiveness, we serve others.
We welcome everyone to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, where individuals and families can grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another through a variety of worship styles, ministries and service.
God’s Ideal Vision for St. Marks:
Following Jesus’ example we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, nurse the sick, and visit the imprisoned as we see Jesus in the faces of those we serve.
Living Our Core Values:
We strive to model our Core Values in our day-to-day behavior, both within St. Marks and in our daily lives. When we fall short, we pray for God’s divine intervention and support to help us remain true to our highest and best selves.
- We pray for guidance from God. Prayer brings us closer to God. God promises to answer.
- We pray for each other and for those in need within and outside the walls.
- We pray with thankfulness.
- We promise to listen – prayer is conversation.
- We promise that all will have access to worship.
- We promise to remove barriers and project invitation and welcome.
- We promise to step out in faith with openness to what God wants us to be and acceptance of the diversity of cultures and people.
- We promise to develop and/or support Christian-based and other service/support organizations to achieve our vision.
- We promise to support the needs of one another just as we support those outside our walls.
- We promise to keep our doors open to all in need and share what we have.
- We promise to listen to all with understanding, grace and patience.
- We promise to use all communication methods to share the gospel with others and all our members.
- We promise to use a variety of communication methods to connect with, inform, and educate our members, guests, and the larger community.
- We share what we have learned about Christ and His redeeming love with others.
- We offer education opportunities to teach and learn about Jesus through worship, music and teaching, Bible study, Sunday school, confirmation classes, youth programs and outreach activities.
- We provide convenient, relevant, meaningful worship experiences that appeal to the broader community and to the diverse members of our congregation.
- Our worship engages the spirit, reveals the truth, celebrates through music and song, and prepares us to share God’s message of love and forgiveness.
- We create worship opportunities that are inclusive, multi-generational and engaging for youth.
- We promise to intentionally provide a safe environment to learn about and seek God through relevant and age appropriate opportunities to worship, serve and learn.
- Our words and actions build each other up, encourage and support each other.
- We practice empathy and forgiveness.
- We encourage openness, honesty and transparency.
January 30, 2022 Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Call to Order
Opening Devotion and Prayer: Pastor Karla
St. Mark’s Mission
Agenda Review for the January 30, 2022 Annual Meeting
Check for Quorum of 35 members (in person and live ZOOM participants)
Approve of Minutes of Congregational Meetings
- January 31, 2021 Annual Meeting
Approve 2022 Budgets
- 2022 Budget
- 2022 Memorial Endowment Budget
Election of Congregational Representatives
- Candidates for 2022 Church Council
- Candidates for the 2022 Legacy Committee
- Candidates for 2022 Nominating Committee
- Lay Representatives for the 2022 Pacifica Synod Conference
- Pastor Karla Halvorson – Pastoral Report
- Pastor Alicia Saenz – Pastoral Report
- Sheri Barker – Church Council
- Thank you to retiring Council Members: Diane Flint-Wages, Rachael Perez, Michael Marquez and Bob Lechner
- Property – Bob Lechner
Directions for Voting
- During “in-person” Annual meeting in sanctuary (if attending)
- During or After live ZOOM meeting via online link to ballot (see newsletter and look in the ZOOM chat for link)
- Monday, February 1, 2021, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, noon, deliver paper ballot to the office.
Closing Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer
January 31, 2021 Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Call to Order at 1:06pm
Opening Devotion and Prayer: Pastor Karla and Pastor Alicia
St. Mark’s Mission & Vision
Agenda Review for the January 31, 2021 Annual Meeting
Check for Quorum of 35 members: 17 members present / 34 members On-line
Approve of Minutes of Congregational Meetings
- January 26, 2020 Annual Meeting: Richard Bolin moved to approve the annual meeting minutes from 01/26/2020. Ann Larsen 2nd the motion. Unanimous Vote
- Special Congregational Meeting January 26, 2020: Dorothy Geier moved to approve this meeting on 01/26/2020. Richard Bolin 2nd the approval. (Page 7 of annual congregation report provides more information regarding this meeting)
- Special Congregational Meeting, September 6, 2020: Richard Bolin moved to approve this meeting on 09/06/2020. Sherri Coughlin 2nd the approval. (Page 8 of annual congregation report provides more information regarding this meeting)
Approve 2021 Budgets
- 2021 Budget: Herb Geier moved to approve the 2021 budget as presented. Ann Larsen 2nd the motion. Unanimous vote.
- 2021 Memorial Endowment Budget: Dave Barker moved to approve the 2021 Endowment budget as presented. Herb Geier 2nd the motion. Unanimous vote.
Election of Congregational Representatives
- Candidates for 2021 Church Council:
- Bob Lechner in for 2nd Term
- Mary Lizarraga in for 1st Term
- Richard Roy in for 1st Term
- Oscar Uribe in for 1st Term
- Melissa Hernandez in for 1st Term
- Candidates for the 2021 Legacy Committee:
- Sharon Martin in for 1st Term
- Janet Collins in for 1st Term
- Candidates for 2021 Nominating Committee:
- Sherri Coughlin
- Dorothy Geier
- Bob Lechner
- Laura Marquez
- Roz Nelson
- Lay Representatives for the 2021 Pacifica Synod Conference:
- Richard Bolin
Guiding Document Revisions
- Vote on Ratification of 2021 Constitution with ByLaws in alignment with ELCA Model Constitution
- Vote on Ratification of an Amendment to our Articles of Incorporation that are filed with the State of California, as recommended by the state of California and our member Counsel, Dick Bolin
- Pastor Karla Halvorson: Pastoral Report
- Pastor Alicia Saenz: Pastoral Report
- Sheri Barker: Church Council
- Thank you to retiring Council Members: Sherri Coughlin & Diane Flint-Wages
- Diane will remain as Treasurer for 2021, but will not serve on Council
- Property: Bob Lechner
Directions for Voting
- After “in-person” Annual meeting on patio (if attending) or online via Google doc (link provided in Newsletter)
- Drop Off during Drive-Thru Communion event in parking lot, Sunday, January 31, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
- Monday, February 1, 2021, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM, drop off at office
Closing Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer: Sheri Barker
Meeting adjourned: 2:39pm
Addendum to the Minutes: Final Ballot (Reported in 2/6/21 Newsletter)
The online votes were tallied automatically and then, on Tuesday, February 2, the following counters met to tally the paper ballots: Manuel Alvarez, Sandra Aguilar, Sherri Coughlin, Ann Larsen, Noemi Sicard and Chuck Cole. Debbie Lechner and Tom Larsen assisted in validating all ballots by certifying member status and 2020 donation of record. 74 valid ballots were cast; 38 online and 36 on paper— a 50/50 split! All candidates were elected to their nominated positions with far more than a majority vote. The 2021 proposed budget was passed with significantly more than a 2/3 vote, and the governing documents (2021 Constitution and the Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation) were approved with close to a unanimous vote.
Candidates for Church Council 2022
- Chris Lewis, (1st term, 2 years)
- Erick Posada, (1st term, 2 years)
- Skip Knudsen, (1st term, 2 years)
- Robert Nava, (1st term, 2 years)
- Sheridan (Sheri) Barker, (2nd term, 2 years)
Candidates for Legacy Committee 2022, 3 year term
- Dick Bolin
- Carol Whittier Ross
Candidates for Nominating Committee 2022, 1 year
- Rachael Perez, Diane Nissen
- Doug Nerat
- Erwin (Erv) Gotshke
Candidates for Pacifica Synod 2022, 1 year
- Dick Bolin
- Caye Smith Bolin
St. Mark’s Church Council Annual Report 2021
Church Council Annual Report 2021
COVID-19: Year 2, and yet…another amazing year at St. Mark’s that highlighted our capacity to share God’s love and forgiveness through our service to others–among our fellow members and friends, to those in need across our community and throughout the world via ELCA ministries—all from our corner at Hilltop and I Street. This year, we demonstrated more commitment than ever to our mission, and our belief that Christ is our Savior who calls us into service in His name.
2021 has been another eventful year . . . perhaps more eventful than any in the last 15 years!
With Pastor Karla’s new ministry at St. Mark’s, we have accomplished many things to improve the property, improve outreach to our members and friends, and extend our ministry into the community. Some of our important accomplishments are listed below (see Pastor Karla’s and the property reports for other accomplishments and additional details):
- 2021 was the first time St. Mark’s has had a 50/50 Council: 50% English and 50% Spanish-speaking members. This was a major step toward truly becoming One Congregation—Two Languages, which has been our vision since Pastor Alicia and her ministry joined St. Mark’s 10 years ago!
- We celebrated St. Mark’s 67th Anniversary on Sunday, March 7.
- We purchased a portable sound system and three carport shade canopies to ensure a smooth transition to in-person worship on the outdoor patio, following 54 weeks of remote-only worship.
- We facilitated over two months (March 28 – June 13) of worship on the patio to ensure COVID safety protocols were followed and members could worship together in person.
- Council began an Ask, Thank, Tell approach to stewardship, following the study of the book of the same title authored by Charles R. Lane.
- We hosted 5 successful bilingual services, where members now sit in mixed pews, decreasing the sense of “us” and “them.”
- We moved the 2nd service start time and Glory Lutheran’s worship space to the Lower Level, allowing us to begin a Christian Education Hour (and occasional breakfast) in Jacobson Hall where we have studied the meaning of Discipleship, shared Stories of Our Lives, and prepared donations for those in need.
- We received a $5,000 Pacifica Synod Technology Development grant to offset the cost of the new sanctuary computer, wireless microphones, and equipment for live broadcasts.
- We initiated a Congregational Thank You Dinner hosted by Council in appreciation of the many gifts of time, talent and treasure shared by our members and friends throughout the year.
- Over $2,000 in $250 Thrivent Grants obtained by members provided multiple congregational breakfasts and dinners, as well as funded other community projects.
- We purchased a new copier lease, saving St. Mark’s about $300 a month.
- Back-lit wall sign installed on the south exterior wall of Jacobson Hall next to the cross was a donation from Alex Sanchez of ANS Signs.
- Pastor Karla and Lutheran Social Services, with help from the San Diego Food Bank, reformatted Project Hand monthly food distribution to serve 300-400 cars/month in a drive-thru process. This change significantly increased food access, the number of families served and improved safety for workers, volunteers and community members.
- Pastor Karla conducted the first new member class in over a decade.
- We installed a new digital sign, retrofitting the 66-year-old wooden sign located on a concrete monument base at the corner of Hilltop and I Streets. This was funded by a Pacifica Synod Latino Ministry Endowment Fund Grant.
- A team of dedicated volunteers ensured our kitchen is fully functional again!
- We continued to refine our LIVE broadcasts of worship services every Sunday, and during additional evening or weekend events.
- Pastor Karla was installed as our new settled pastor on her 1-year anniversary at St. Mark’s. Her installation was delayed due to COVID restrictions.
- We raised $3,225 from our first annual Celebrating God’s Love: Brick by Brick campaign toward the purchase of a new retrofit (hopefully digital) sign for the large St. Mark’s sign on Hilltop Drive. We will run a second campaign in summer 2022. Council approved funds to purchase this main sign; bids are being reviewed and design is in progress.
- Council approved a new 21st Century Employee Handbook, aka Personnel Policy, which covers all current issues in employment regulations and law.
- We replaced the bulbs in both sanctuary projectors and installed a new TV monitor for the west side of the sanctuary.
- Pianos and organ are back on a regular schedule of being tuned and voiced.
- Installed a new safe near the sanctuary to improve security of Sunday morning offerings.
- Pastor Karla renegotiated our tenant agreements for 2022 to include a 10% increase to cover increased utilities and employee expenses.
- We installed 2 new office computers, making office work easier and faster.
- In December, we identified another, more serious issue with the 65 year-old cast iron and clay sewer connections from the sanctuary building to the street, and we are acquiring bids for the project. A pine tree will need to be removed because the pipe passes directly below the tree.
As 2021 comes to a close, your Church Council thanks you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedication to supporting the growth of our mission; your generous donations of time, talent and treasure to further our work in Christ’s name and, most of all, your belief and trust in our leadership. We have worked diligently to maintain an unprecedented level of transparency about the work of the church behind the scenes and the decisions we are making on your behalf. We have been blessed to lead a church-on-the-move this year and we pray that God continues to bless St. Mark’s and each of you in the coming year.
Yours in Christ,
Sheri Barker, Church Council President
Pastor Karla Halvorson 2021 Annual Report
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:19
What a wonderful year it has been with you, faithful gracious people of St Mark’s!
We have focused our attention on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. For we have only one authority at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church: A loving saving God, Jesus Christ our Lord.
God is doing great things at St. Mark’s and we have been privileged to have a front row seat!
We began the year with online only worship and a variety of drive through experiences, including La Posada, Ash Wednesday and Holy Week. We even had a visit from our Easter chipmunk!
Our first in-person gathering was Easter Sunday, which included a baptism. A line of baptisms followed, one or two each week! As with all things, creating the space and preparing the tech / sound/ etc. was a labor of love and required new specialized equipment and a lot of volunteer help.
Our first bi-lingual in-person worship was held on Pentecost Sunday. We have made a commitment to seasonal bi-lingual services. This year’s bi-lingual services included Good Friday, Pentecost, Reformation Sunday and our Children’s Christmas pageant. These are a labor of love and help us live out our vision of “Two languages, One Congregation”.
Following careful Covid-19 guidelines, we carefully moved back into the sanctuary on August 1 for our grand re-opening. Everyone was relieved and grateful to be back. In preparation for this Sunday, we wrote invitations and thank you notes to many who kept St Mark’s alive and viable over the years.
Christian Education Hour
After much discussion and input from members, we decided to emphasize our Christian Education hour. Our Second (Spanish) service graciously agreed to move their worship time to 11:15, allowing us 1 hour 15 minutes for fellowship and Christian Education (Adult Bible studies, Sunday School, Confirmation, and a variety of all-congregation events). We negotiated with Glory Lutheran to use Jacobson Hall on Sunday mornings as many of our members cannot easily walk to the lower level of the Sanctuary. Since August we have regularly had 80-100 people enjoy our fellowship and Christian education events. Pastor Alicia often leads a Bible study on Sunday mornings in Spanish in the Grey Room on the same topic as the Bible study in Jacobson Hall.
Melissa Hernandez Velasco continued Sunday school on-line, then moved to hybrid and finally in-person outdoor Sunday school. Confirmation for grades 5-9 began in August as well, led by my husband, James Jerpseth. We enjoyed an every-other-month all family event in August, October and December (Beach clean-up, pool party and Christmas lights event). Our Confirmation class has between 5-10 young people each Sunday, and our Sunday school averages 4 children. We have formed a Children and Youth Ministry team and now have a group of trained and background-checked volunteers. We are preparing to welcome many more children.
We have thoroughly enjoyed many events during our Christian Education time! Our grand re-opening, hearing Stories of our Lives from Billy Cox, Manual Alverez, Myrna Bolin, the celebration of 10 years of Pastor Alicia and Spanish ministry at St. Mark’s, celebration of First Communion, creating Blessing Bags for those who are hungry, Veterans Day and care packages for active military, Christmas cards for our homebound, as well as regular adult Bible studies.
Bible studies
We offer a regular Tuesday, 3 PM Bible study which looks at the upcoming Gospel. This is available on Zoom or in person on the lower level. Bible studies have also been offered on Sunday mornings with the specific emphasis on what it means to follow Jesus.
Staff/ Property
Pastor Alicia Saenz, Synodically Licensed Minister at St. Mark’s, is a joy to work with and the person I consider to be my pastor. The more I know Pastor Alicia, the more I trust and respect her. She preaches and lives her faith, communicates clearly with me and all leaders at St Mark’s, and is helping us to envision God’s vision for our future. We are extremely blessed to have her.
It is a joy to work with Jason Chase, our marvelous Director of Music. Not only did he mastermind the Nov 20 organ fundraiser concert, he also arranged our new liturgy based on the Chicago Folk Mass. We are extremely blessed to work with such a talented and grace-filled man.
Bobb Briggs has worked diligently as our Property Manager throughout Covid and into December before resigning due to increased family demands. In addition to regular set up and outdoor clean up duties, he oversaw re-keying the entire upper campus and portions of the sanctuary. We are now aware of everyone who has a key and for what purpose. He and Oscar Uribe vastly improved our outdoor lighting making St Mark’s much safer. With the help of Dick Bolin, Richard Roy, and Dave Gerber, the kitchen garbage disposal, freezer, oven and refrigerator are all in working order. And all of our outside facing doors now have sweeps to keep critters and debris from entering. Thank you, Bobb!
Margarita Alverez is our dedicated and loving custodian. She has kept us safe during Covid and continued the increasingly challenging job of keeping our campus clean and free of vermin. This has not been an easy task as our fellowship events have vastly increased. We are saddened she had to resign due to health reasons, but welcome her replacement, Maria Luisa Guzman, Margarita’s sister-in-law.
Sandra Aguilar, administrative assistant, and I began exactly the same week in October 2020. She jumped in immediately and took on all office tasks for both English and Spanish speaking services. As we became busier and added more congregational activities, Sandra rose to the task. Unfortunately, her other career as an airline flight attendant began to demand more of her time. She resigned her position in October. The personnel committee re-formed under the direction of council president Sheri Barker and we interviewed a group of highly qualified bilingual candidates. We unanimously agreed on Cindy Diaz. She began mid October 2021, and has delighted us with her skills, kindness and calming presence.
Melissa Hernandez Velasco is our wonderful Youth and Children’s Ministry leader. She celebrated both her wedding to Victor Velasco and the birth of their son, Isaac this year. What a joy to be a part of these celebrations! After her maternity leave, she is back working with us again. The personnel committee has asked Melissa to serve as our nursery attendant as well. Melissa is already known and trusted by parents, she will arrange for the volunteers, and she will help us keep up to date with all new families and children.
Our wonderful tech and AV help, Andrew Vargas and Nathan Estrada, work diligently with Sheri Barker and Deb Lechner to get the services miked, recorded, uploaded, and edited. What a job! We love working with these two young men. They are kind, talented, willing and a wonderful asset to this congregation.
We are so blessed to have Lisa and Bruce Mansfield as new members of this congregation. Lisa took on the brave task of leading our bell choir and now we joyfully ring each Wednesday evening.
We have taken advantage of every grant opportunity that comes our way, including grants for improved technology, Spanish speaking ministry, Global Engagement (not hard when some of our members live in Tijuana), Warner Grant for Children’s ministry, Matthew 25 Grant for serving those in need, and a long list of Thrivent Action Team Grants, each for $250, to pay for a variety of events, celebrations, outreach opportunities and service projects. Thank you everyone for your help! If you have any Thrivent products, (formerly Lutheran Brotherhood or Aid Association for Lutherans) please speak with me or Caye Smith Bolin to find out how you can help St Mark’s!
Glory Chinese Lutheran Church and Areundaum Korean Church
We enjoy healthy respectful relationships with both Glory and Areundaum churches. Glory Lutheran opted to worship on the lower level of the sanctuary and purchased chairs for this purpose. Now all four languages worship God under the same roof each Sunday. Aruendaum resumed their Korean language classes for children on Saturday mornings and Glory began an exercise group on Fridays. We work hard to maintain regular communication and are pleased with the results.
Lutheran Social Services
We enjoy a healthy respectful relationship with both LSS SC Project Hand and Upward Bound/ Talent Search. We partner with them whenever possible. This year brought a big change to Project Hand as they transitioned from a walk up monthly food distribution to a drive through. This was necessary due to the pandemic, social distancing and other covid precautions. With the help of their new director, Mark Kuntz, the San Diego Food Bank, and generous donations from this congregation, Project Hand was able to secure all the necessary equipment for a safe drive through. This food distribution is one of the largest in the county. You help to make this happen and to feed hundreds of people every month. Thank you.
LSS SC Upward Bound/ Talent Search programs help over 600 low income, first generation students get through high school, into post-secondary education and graduate from post-secondary education. Stop by and talk with Gaby or Danny (or our own Mari Lizarraga) to find out more!
So many wonderful milestones have taken place this past year. We celebrate our life in faith together.
After culling through our member list and following the constitutional requirements for membership, we estimate our current membership to be 189 people. This includes children of active members as well as homebound members who may not be able to come in person due to the pandemic nor worship on line due to technology limitations, but consider themselves members of St. Mark’s. This number is not perfect, but as accurate as possible.
Worship attendance (online and in person) (data collected by Deb Lechner)
First Service: |
50.8 for in person outdoor services (Easter 4/4 till 6/13) |
78 for in-person indoor services (6/13-12/31) |
10.4 for average weekly views on the website |
83 average facebook views before Easter |
54.4 average facebook views when we were outside |
32.7 average facebook views when we got back in the sanctuary |
Average 100-110 regular worshipers |
Second Service: |
13.3 for outdoor services (Easter 4/4 till 6/13) |
24.6 for indoor services (6/13-12/31) |
3.5 for average weekly views on the website |
77.8 average facebook views before Easter |
54 average facebook views when we were outside |
30.2 average facebook views when we got back in the sanctuary |
Average 45-50 regular worshipers |
New Members
We are thrilled to invite into new (or renewed) membership
- Lu Bucknell,
- Carole Eklund
- Patricia Milliken
- Carol Whittier Ross
- Robert Nava,
- Leah (Francisco) Nava
- Erickson Francisco,
- Milagros Francisco,
- Rodney Francisco,
- Bruce, Lisa, Laurie and Michael Mansfield
- Kristin Raynes
- Krystina Torres
- Maria Luz Rivera
Pastor Alicia supplied the names of those in second service who joined as members:
-Omar and Indra Ibarra and their son Joshua Omar Ibarra
-Carlos and Lorena Romero and their daughters Kamyla and Ketzaly Romero
-Gabriel Aguirre
-Victor Velesco
Our young people in Confirmation who received Bibles.
Laurie Mansfield
Michael Mansfield
Xoel Marquez
Xavier Marquez
Daymian Perez
Elsa Jerpseth
Joshua Flint
Alana Flint
David Hernandez
Kamila Romero
Matilda Grace Lodin
Kassy Mae Alincastre
Cody Kekoa Mariota
Robert Andrew Olimon
Ava Marie Shepherd
Ezio Romero Zammora
Christian Torres
Jhovanaley Torres
Jaylynn Moyorquin
Elisa Torres
Melissa Hernandez and Victor Velasco June 12, 2021
First Communion Our First Communion students joined with our Confirmation class to learn the basics of the faith. We celebrated their First Communion with a lovely luncheon. The following children and youth received their First Communion in 2021:
Raylani and Daymian Perez and Xoel and Xavier Marquez, David Gonzalez and Jennifer Gonzalez , Kamila Romero, Jennifer Michelle Galindo Gonzalez, Stephanie Herrera Zamora
Eternal Life
We give thanks for the saints of this congregation who have inspired, challenged, loved, and taught us, especially those who entered eternal life this past year.
- Earl Carlovsky
- Frances Prott
- James Cartwright
- Joan Sayers
- John Maher
- Lance Lindgren
- Mae Trager
- Marvin Holm
- Mike Collins
- Ralph Mendoza
- Ron Nissen
- Jael Mendivil
- Benita Morales Renteria
Whether we live or we die, we are the Lord’s. Romans 14:8
What’s Next?
We will keep on following Jesus. We are so grateful for your support; prayer, time, expertise, financial support, creative problem solving, and your hobbies, abilities, and the things you simply find to be FUN. These are the gifts God wants and we need!
We will continue to reach out to the community. We will continue to serve. We will take risks, invite and welcome openly, and remember that it is God who does the saving.
Keep your eyes open for opportunities to serve through building and grounds, Vacation Bible School, leading Bible studies, assisting with the quilting ministries, and whatever new thing God gives us to do. Our God is very capable of leading us.
So we will continue to celebrate God’s love and forgiveness, and in doing so, happily and without fear, serve others.
So glad to be on this journey with you,
Pastor Karla
2021 Spanish Ministry Report. St. Mark’s Church
Hispanic Minister: Alicia Sáenz.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I must start with thanking God for all of you, for all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed in us and in our church community during 2021.
2021 was a time like no other in our lives. COVID-19 continues to produce uncertainty and stress to our family, friends, and the community we are called to serve. By now, we have all been impacted by this pandemic, which has been overwhelming for so many. My prayers and support are with you.
I am grateful to God for sending Pastor Karla to St. Mark’s. We are blessed to have her, it is a blessing to work alongside her in the Ministry of St. Mark’s, intentionally getting it to be more and more one congregation in two languages. Thank you all for working alongside us building for the Kingdom of God. Thanks to all of you for serving and caring for our church, for each other, for those in need and for the Chula Vista Community during 2021. During these hard times of the Pandemic, you faithfully continued with your offerings, you contributed with donations, you contributed with your talents in a way that is outstanding, in a way that makes me see the Holy Spirit working in our midst, for only God would be able to move your hearts and inspire you to do the work that is needed in order to accomplish the goals that God has for us in getting his message of salvation to all, putting others before yourselves.
As you all know, we celebrated together the 10th anniversary of St. Mark’s as One congregation in two languages and I thank the confirmation class kids, parents, James and Luz for the wonderful celebration given in my honor for these 10 years. I thank you all for the gifts, the beautiful cards and poems you wrote for me. As I said before, if we are to congratulate anyone, it would be you, the members of St. Mark’s that have to be congratulated for being willing to open your doors and share your beautiful church with the Spanish Speakers. We knocked on your door and you not only opened your door, but also opened your hearts to us and received us as members of your congregation. There are no words to express my gratitude; it is an overwhelming joy to be part of St. Mark’s. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I want to thank you all for all your prayers, all Christian churches are to pray, but I have happily noticed more and more that St. Mark’s is a praying congregation. We have an email prayer chain, thanks so much to Ruby; she is such a blessing coordinating the prayer chain. We have the prayer quilt ministry that touches hearts everywhere. I have a text prayer chain for the second service members. We pray in our Bible studies; we pray in our meetings; we pray when we get together. God is listening and answering our prayers according to his will, giving us strength, endurance, determination and love for all.
Special thanks to James Jerpseth who is leading our Youth Group with their confirmation classes. Yes, we have a youth group and we thank God for the way he is working in the present and building the future of St Marks.
It has been an incredible year and I am indeed grateful for how passionate and selfless you have been. We are grateful to God for this year, and I look forward to another amazing blessed new year. In 2022, we will continue with our Ministries and our Mission helping in any way we can. We have big challenges ahead of us, but we will face them one day at a time. I know we can because God is with us, he has demonstrated His faithfulness to us!
I give thanks to my God always for you, for the grace of God that was given to you in Christ Jesus. 1Cor 1: 4.
We celebrate with joy the achievements and challenges during 2021:
- Following the Instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Commandment of the Great commission and bringing the good news of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to the community of Chula Vista.
- Increase the number of people who attend the Spanish Worship Services at St. Mark’s Church
- Continue with our Bible study every other week and during Christian education on Sundays.
- Recruitment of volunteers within the congregation for different activities and committees of the church.
2021 Achievements:
- Successful transition from Live stream transmission to in-person Worship Services and Live stream transmission
- The Worship Service in Spanish has maintained an in-person attendance and audience for the Stream Live transmission every Sunday.
- Attended special meetings and community events.
- Helped with organization and the our Drive-thru communion events
- Helped with organization, shopping, planning, decorating, cooking and cleaning for multiple events we celebrated together during 2021.
New Members
- Omar and Indra Ibarra and their son Joshua Omar Ibarra
- Carlos and Lorena Romero and their daughters Kamyla and Ketzaly Romero
- Gabriel Aguirre
- Victor Velesc
- Maria Luz Rivera
- Ezio Romero Zammora
- Christian Torres
- Jhovanaley Torres
- Jaylynn Moyorquin
- Elisa Torres
First Communion. During 2021 we celebrated The First Communion of
- Xoel Marquez
- Xavier Marquez
- Jennifer Michelle Galindo Gonzalez
- David E. Morales Gonzalez
- Stephanie Herrera Zamora
Marriages: St. Mark’s was blessed with the the privilege of celebrating the wedding of
Melissa Hernandez and Victor Velasco on June 12, 2021
Eternal Life: We give thanks for the saints of the second service who entered eternal life this past year.
- Jael Mendivil
- Benita Morales Renteria
Regular Activities
- Projects of cutting bushes in our parking lot by the entrance on I St. were completed in order to increase cleanliness and better appearance of our church.
- There is a potluck on the second Sunday of the month after the Worship Service in Spanish (As permitted by Pandemic prevention guidelines). This meal has the purpose that current members invite family and friends to come just as guests so that they know our church, our congregation, our Christian denomination. We hope that if they come as guests, without any pressure that they might like our church and come back.
- The Second service members of our congregation have worked very hard talking about our church to people around Chula Vista and its surroundings, as well as inviting friends and family. We will continue with these efforts during 2022.
- One member of the Second Service is actively serving in the Church Council and another one will join for 2022.
- Most of the members of the Spanish Ministry work two jobs or don’t have the privilege of having weekends off. For this reason they are not able to participate in the monthly cleaning and other activities of our church. I try to organize them well in advance so that they can ask for time off, if possible, on a Saturday for us to complete a project like cutting unwanted bushes and they also donate their time and their gifts as much as they possibly can.
- The biggest challenge at this time is the Pandemic as it prevents us from having activities with the community of Chula Vista.
Next steps:
- We have activities planned for outreach events to increase awareness and connections of St. Marks with the local community, like a drive thru ashes event for Ash Wednesday and possibly an event for Easter.
- Continue with efforts to show people the way to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, for the Glory of God.
Thanks to all of you for your contributions and support to our church and to me. It is a blessing to serve in such a faithful, supportive, and loving congregation. May God Bless you always.
Alicia Sáenz
Annual Audit Report
With this report, the Audit Committee presents the results of its audit for the period beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020 financial books and records of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chula Vista, California, to the Congregational Council.
The audit was performed on Saturday, October 23, 2021 by a committee consisting of the following members: Tom Larsen and Laura Ortiz. Diane Flint-Wages audited the Legacy Endowment Funds.
In the examination of receipts and disbursements, no material discrepancies were discovered, however, the committee did make note of the following items:
The following changes/events occurred during this audit period:
- An outside Bookkeeper was hired Mid-August 2020.
- Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, in person gatherings stopped during the period of Mid-March 2020 to April 2021.
- Assets:
- Bank Accounts:
- Cash Balances total $286,872.01 at December 31,2020
- Union Bank
- Checking – 137,772.19
- MMDA – $148,791.71
- Mission Investment – $308.11
- Union Bank
- Cash Balances total $286,872.01 at December 31,2020
- Bank Accounts:
- Liabilities:
- PPP Loan (Paycheck Protection Program) Balance $25,000.00
- Receipts:
- Receipts are properly safeguarded, deposited in a time manner, and properly classified in the financial statements.
- Donations of the congregation have been used and recorded as stipulated by the donors.
- Cash/Checks were not maintained and counted in double custody due to the COVID-19 pandemic during the periods of April thru December 2021. (Note: Double custody procedures returned in April 2021.)
- Recommendations: NONE
- Disbursements:
- Scope of the audit consists of reviewing a sampling of payments made during the fiscal year 2020. The payments were checked for appropriateness, Request for Check documents, and backup including receipts, invoices, or other documentation.
- Payments were reviewed and all appeared appropriate.
- Recommendations: Found many “Request for Check” not signed during Pastor Dan’s time, but all were signed since Pastor Karla’s arrived.
- Payroll:
- Review of time sheets was performed:
- Findings:
- Time sheets are not signed by employees.
- Time sheets were not always signed by Pastor prior to Pastor Karla’s arrival.
- Recommendation:
- Establish a policy regarding Time Sheets requiring employees and Supervisor/Pastor to review and sign timesheets.
- Insurance Policies:
- Not reviewed for this audit period.
Memorial Endowment Fund (Audited by Diane Flint-Wages): Scope of the audit included the review of the financial activity of the Memorial Endowment in 2020 including:
- Confirmation of the December 31, 2020 Fund Balance of $141,131.
- Finding:
- The Legacy Committee does not always receive the quarterly Thrivent Account Statements that are mailed to the church office. Recent procedures have been implemented to correct this oversight.
- Confirmation of Distributions for the period totaling $5,183. Approval of all distributions were noted in the Legacy Committee meeting minutes.
- Committee records were complete, with the exception of Thrivent Account Statements noted above, and found to be in good order.
Based on the audit work performed, the Audit Committee found no significant, material departure from best practices of church accounting. Testing performed also found, with some exceptions as noted in this report, that controls governing the financial operations appear to be reasonable considering all factors, including the size of the congregation and its budget.
Respectfully submitted,
Audit Committee
October 23, 2021
Finances 2021




2022 Proposed Budget
Year Ending 12/31/20 | Year Ending 12/31/21 | 2021 Budget | 2022 Proposed Budget | |
INCOME | ||||
Envelopes | 237,073 | 263,732 | 240,000 | 290,000 |
Spanish Ministry | 8,867 | 13,607 | 10,000 | 18,000 |
Loose Offering | 181 | 2,031 | 1,000 | 1,550 |
TOTAL MEMBER GIVING | 246,121 | 279,370 | 251,000 | 309,550 |
Other Income (Special) | 1,037 | 1,200 | ||
Thrivent Choice | 2,812 | 1,993 | 3,500 | 2,500 |
Interest Income | 132 | 134 | 100 | 150 |
Lutheran Social Services | 8,100 | 8,100 | 8,100 | 8,100 |
Areumdaun Church | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 | 18,000 |
Glory Lutheran Church | 7,200 | 7,860 | 7,200 | 7,200 |
Facility Use Fees-Other | 2,681 | 1,510 | 3,200 | 2,700 |
TOTAL FACILITY USE FEES | 35,981 | 35,470 | 36,500 | 36,000 |
Verizon Income | 23,090 | |||
TOTAL INCOME | 309,173 | 316,967 | 292,300 | 348,200 |
Clergy Salary | 52,432 | 29,250 | 31,000 | 26,475 |
Clergy Housing Allowance | 39,720 | 40,083 | 36,000 | 52,950 |
Clergy Pension, Medical, Disability | 9,084 | 17,696 | 17,758 | 19,403 |
Clergy Professional Expenses | 427 | 1,700 | 1,700 | |
Continuing Education – Pastor | 303 | 1,000 | 1,000 | |
Total Clergy | 101,236 | 87,759 | 87,458 | 101,528 |
Staff Salaries | 63,712 | 76,042 | 78,338 | 123,192 |
TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS | 164,948 | 163,801 | 165,796 | 224,720 |
Independent Contractors | ||||
Music Director | 9,750 | 19,925 | 19,500 | |
Other Musicians | 1,950 | 1,050 | 900 | 1,500 |
Supply Pastors | 450 | 1,225 | 700 | |
Accounting | 4,000 | 6,000 | 6,000 | |
Visitation Pastor/Youth Pastor | 175 | 176 | ||
Worship Technician | 332 | 450 | ||
Total Independent Contractors | 12,657 | 25,601 | 27,625 | 8,200 |
Payroll Taxes | 5,271 | 5,797 | 5,993 | 9,424 |
TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS | 182,876 | 195,199 | 199,414 | 242,344 |
Property Taxes | 523 | 358 | 370 | 500 |
Payroll Expense | 1,563 | 1,200 | 1,200 | 1,200 |
Bank Charge | 109 | 162 | 100 | 100 |
Computer Equipment & Supplies | 1,283 | 1,000 | 1,000 | |
Insurance | 11,654 | 8,500 | 10,000 | 12,000 |
98 Copier-Lease & Supplies | 6,161 | 3,086 | 1,800 | 3,000 |
Loan Payment Interest Expense | 6,039 | |||
Office Supply & Printing | 1,955 | 4,625 | 1,500 | 5,000 |
Outside Services | 2,044 | |||
Postage | 277 | 300 | 300 | |
Mileage Reimb. Staff | 631 | 2,000 | 2,000 | |
Misc Admin Expense | 80 | 250 | ||
TOTAL ADMINISTRATION | 30,759 | 19,491 | 18,520 | 25,100 |
Building Maintenance | 9,451 | 18,202 | 10,000 | 15,000 |
Termite Protection Program | 1,012 | 3,179 | 3,200 | 3,200 |
Utilities | 17,785 | 18,962 | 20,000 | 20,000 |
Miscellaneous | 859 | |||
TOTAL BUILDINGS & GROUNDS | 29,107 | 40,343 | 33,200 | 38,200 |
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION | 960 | 1,500 | 1,500 | |
COUNCIL & CONVENTIONS | 204 | 844 | 1,800 | 1,800 |
EVANGELISM & FELLOWSHIP | 492 | 1,266 | 1,200 | 2,500 |
WORSHIP | ||||
Altar & Communion Supply | 409 | 1,018 | 700 | 700 |
Worship Music | 205 | 1,749 | 1,000 | 1,500 |
Worship Materials | 4,353 | 6,241 | 2,500 | 2,500 |
TOTAL WORSHIP | 4,967 | 9,008 | 4,200 | 4,700 |
YOUTH | 318 | 1,449 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
SYNOD BENEVOLENCE | 20,000 | 24,000 | 24,000 | 29,000 |
MISSION | 2,500 | |||
TOTAL EXPENSE | 268,723 | 292,560 | 288,334 | 347,144 |
Net Income | 40,450 | 24,407 | 3,966 | 1,056 |
Net Cash Flow | 13,028 | 24,407 | 3,966 | 1,056 |
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Memorial Endowment Fund
2021 Financial | |||||
2022 Proposed Budget (4% of final 2021 Total Balance) | $ 6,242.00. |
Per the Bylaws of the Legacy Committee, this figure represents 4% of the total balance of funds available in the Thrivent investment account and the checking account as of December 31, 2021.
Prepared by: Chris Lewis, Acting Chairperson
Pastoral Acts Attendance 2021
Date | Time | Eyeballs | YouTube | In-Person | Newsletter opens/clicks | Notes | |
31-Jan | 9 | 108 | 12 | X | |||
31-Jan | 10:45 | 110 | 4 | X | |||
7-Feb | 9 | 108 | 9 | X | |||
7-Feb | 10:45 | 89 | 2 | X | |||
14-Feb | 9 | 74 | 23 | X | 95/36 | ||
14-Feb | 10:45 | 89 | 0 | X | |||
17-Feb | noon | 131 | 7 | X | 94/28 | Ash Wednesday | |
21-Feb | noon | 100 | 13 | X | 84/35 | ||
21-Feb | 10:45 | 106 | 0 | X | |||
23-Feb | 6 | 127 | 4 | X | Lenten Service | ||
28-Feb | 9 | 35 | 69 | 9 | X | 90/33 | |
28-Feb | 10:45 | 10 | 93 | 0 | X | ||
2-Mar | 6 | 136 | Lenten Service | ||||
7-Mar | 9 | 33 | 101 | 12 | X | 105/45 | |
7-Mar | 10:45` | 9 | 46 | 10 | X | ||
9-Mar | 6 | 77 | 3 | X | Lenten Service | ||
14-Mar | 9 | 32 | 80 | 15 | X | 93/36 | |
14-Mar | 10:45 | 10 | 68 | 5 | X | ||
16-Mar | 6 | 56 | 10 | X | Lenten Service | ||
21-Mar | 9 | 34 | 81 | 10 | X | 87/34 | |
21-Mar | 11:15 | 9 | 43 | 2 | X | ||
23-Mar | 6 | 12 | 97 | 4 | X | Lenten Service | |
28-Mar | 9 | 33 | 53 | 8 | X | 93/27 | Palm Sunday |
28-Mar | 10:45 | 12 | 57 | 3 | X | Palm Sunday | |
2-Apr | 6:30 | 19 | 89 | 13 | X | 100/19 | Good Friday – Bilingual |
4-Apr | 9 | 22 | 62 | 18 | 64 | 90/33 | Easter/Baptism, First in-person on the patio |
4-Apr | 10:45 | 7 | 72 | 15 | 14 | Easter | |
11-Apr | 9 | 22 | 94 | 10 | 43 | 91/21 | |
11-Apr | 10:45 | 7 | 75 | 4 | |||
18-Apr | 9 | 22 | 46 | 10 | 35 | 89/27 | |
18-Apr | 10:45 | 10 | 50 | 3 | 13 | ||
18-Apr | x | x | x | 24 | x | Convention Center Recording | |
25-Apr | 9:00 | 17 | 47 | 10 | 44 | 86/18 | |
25-Apr | 10:45 | 8 | 46 | 4 | 10 | ||
2-May | 9:00 | 19 | 68 | 8 | 47 | 81/18 | sprinkling rain on the patio |
2-May | 10:45 | 7 | 52 | 3 | 12 | ||
9-May | 9:00 | 12 | 36 | 14 | 52 | 83/26 | Mother’s Day |
9-May | 10:45 | 4 | 38 | 5 | 11 | ||
16-May | 9:00 | 19 | 42 | 12 | 47 | 93/21 | sprinkling of rain on the patio |
16-May | 10:45 | 5 | 38 | 3 | 18 | ||
23-May | 10:00 | 20 | 69 | 10 | 61 | 89/14 | Pentecost, 2 baptisms/one service |
30-May | 9:00 | 22 | 49 | 4 | 63 | 91/17 | 1 baptism, sprinkling of rain on the patio |
30-May | 10:45 | 10 | 45 | 3 | 12 | ||
6-Jun | 9:00 | 20 | 40 | 3 | 52 | 67/13 | |
6-Jun | 10:45 | 7 | 70 | 1 | 17 | ||
13-Jun | 9:00 | 12 | 47 | 5 | 64 | 83/15 | First Sunday in the sanctuary after 16 months |
13-Jun | 11:15 | 3 | 42 | 0 | 25 | New Time for Spanish Service | |
20-Jun | 9:00 | 11 | 38 | 7 | 76 | 79/7 | Father’s Day |
20-Jun | 11:15 | 6 | 41 | 2 | 14 | ||
27-Jun | 9:00 | 10 | 31 | 1 | 65 | 87/12 | |
27-Jun | 11:15 | 4 | 21 | 0 | 24 | ||
4-Jul | 9:00 | 11 | 26 | 4 | 70 | 82/17 | Independence Day |
4-Jul | 11:15 | 5 | 22 | 5 | 16 | ||
11-Jul | 9:00 | 5 | 26 | 8 | 74 | 88/19 | |
11-Jul | 11:15 | 3 | 35 | 4 | 22 | ||
18-Jul | 9:00 | 8 | 17 | 7 | 72 | 62/11 | |
18-Jul | 11:15 | 6 | 28 | 4 | 24 | ||
25-Jul | 9:00 | 9 | 24 | 10 | 82 | 90/26 | |
25-Jul | 11:15 | 7 | 38 | 6 | 24 | ||
1-Aug | 9:00 | 9 | 34 | 25 | 85 | 92/11 | Grand Reopening |
1-Aug | 11:15 | 4 | 36 | 31 | 21 | ||
8-Aug | 9:00 | ? | 48 | 1 | 75 | 84/12 | Christian Education begins |
8-Aug | 11:15 | ? | 38 | 1 | 30 | ||
15-Aug | 9:00 | 9 | 35 | 6 | 70 | 84/27 | |
15-Aug | 11:15 | 7 | 25 | 2 | 31 | ||
22-Aug | 9:00 | 14 | 33 | 1 | 58 | 89/14 | |
22-Aug | 11:15 | 3 | 36 | 0 | 16 | ||
29-Aug | 9:00 | 14 | 26 | 8 | 70 | 79/12 | |
29-Aug | 11:15 | 3 | 21 | 5 | 19 | ||
28-Aug | NA | NA | NA | 32 | NA | Baptism for Spanish | |
5-Sept | 9:00 | 10 | 17 | 4 | 84 | 88/18 | Baptism Ava |
5-Sept | 11:15 | 4 | 23 | 1 | 16 | ||
12-Sept | 9:00 | 12 | 11 | 5 | 73 | 92/8 | |
12-Sept | 11:15 | 5 | 19 | 1 | 23 | ||
12-Sept | 10:20 | 5 | 38 | 18 | stories of our lives video Billy Cox | ||
19-Sept | 9:00 | 10 | 27 | 2 | 74 | 81/10 | |
19-Sept | 11:15 | 4 | 28 | 0 | 19 | ||
26-Sept | 9:00 | 10 | 43 | 2 | 98 | 69/10 | first communion |
26-Sept | 11:15 | 12 | 28 | 0 | 33 | ||
3-Oct | 9:00 | 13 | 27 | 1 | 90 | 66/9 | Pastor Alicia 10th Anniversary Celebration |
3-Oct | 11:15 | 4 | 24 | 2 | 34 | ||
10-Oct | 9:00 | 10 | 22 | 4 | 81 | 46/3 (73/9) | Thursday Quilters |
10-Oct | 11:15 | 3 | 46 | 0 | 15 | ||
17-Oct | 9:00 | 11 | 38 | 7 | 75 | 50/2 (80/14) | |
17-Oct | 11:15 | 4 | 37 | 3 | 26 | ||
24-Oct | 9:00 | 7 | 30 | 7 | 81 | 59/14 (85/19) | Stewardship Sunday |
24-Oct | 11:15 | 6 | 26 | 2 | 20 | ||
24-Oct | 3:30 | x | 58 | 2 | Installation | ||
31-Oct | 10 | 9 | 38 | 4 | 92 | 60/6 (81/10) | bilingual service/Reformation/one service |
7-Nov | 9:00 | 8 | 37 | 3 | 77 | 69/16 (91/21) | All Saints Sunday |
7-Nov | 11:15 | 6 | 30 | 0 | 39 | ||
14-Nov | 9:00 | 10 | 21 | 3 | 78 | 73/14 (96/21) | Veterans Appreciation |
14-Nov | 11:15 | 4 | 32 | 2 | 38 | ||
20-Nov | 2:00 | 5 | 47 | 3 | 110 | Concert | |
21-Nov | 9:00 | 9 | 42 | 5 | 87 | 73/5 (94/7) | |
21-Nov | 11:15 | 4 | 24 | 2 | 22 | ||
28-Nov | 9:00 | 9 | 81 | 5 | 60/0 (93/10) | first Sunday of Advent | |
28-Nov | 11:15 | 5 | 23 | 0 | |||
30-Nov | 6:00 | 38 | 4 | Holden Service | |||
5-Dec | 9:00 | 7 | 26 | 5 | 75 | 76/5 (99/7) | second Sunday of Advent |
5-Dec | 11:15 | 3 | 31 | 4 | 29 | ||
12-Dec | 9:00 | 3 | 40 | 27 | 70 | 80/5 (104/10) | |
12-Dec | 11:15 | 2 | 33 | 6 | 40 | ||
19-Dec | 10:00/noon | NA | NA | 91 | 125 | 85/9 (106/13) | Children’s Christmas Program. switch to recording service not live |
24-Dec | 5:00 | NA | NA | 55 | 161 | 112/8 (116/9) | Christmas Eve |
26-Dec | 9:00 | NA | NA | 34 | 65 | 78/2 (108/11) | |
26-Dec | 11:15 | NA | NA | 8 | 20 |
- Matilda Grace Lodin
- Kassy Mae Alincastre
- Cody Kekoa Mariota
- Robert Andrew Olimon
- Ava Marie Shepherd
- Ezio Romero Zammora
- Christian Torres
- Jhovanaley Torres
- Jaylynn Moyorquin
- Elisa Torres
- Melissa Hernandez and Victor Velasco June 12, 2021
First Communion
- Raylani Perez
- Daymian Perez
- Xoel Marquez
- Xavier Marquez
- David Gonzalez
- Jennifer Gonzalez
- Kamila Romero
- Jennifer Michelle
- Galindo Gonzalez
- Stephanie Herrera Zamora
Altar Committee Annual Report for 2021
The altar committee is again very thankful to have served the staff and congregation this past year. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 10am to plan for the month.
Each week we prepare the altar area. Paraments are put on the altar according to the church calendar. Communion is set up for both services as well as various cleaning duties.
We welcome anyone who would like to join us.
Please continue to pray for our church and its leaders as we move in this new year, 2022.
Your St. Mark’s Altar Committee.
Sunday Coffee Ministry 2021
A very big Thank You to our volunteers who continue to bless us with coffee and goodies after our service. The sign-up sheet is in the kitchen in the blue folder. Any questions please call Ann at 619-370-6840.
Thank you for your continued support of the special ministry.
Ann and Karl Larsen.
Angel Tree Annual Report 2021
The Angel Tree program was successful once again in 2021. Meredith McCall, with the guidance and great teamwork of Dorothy Geier, coordinated the Angel Tree program this year. St. Mark’s makes it such a huge success with their caring and prayerful hearts for these at-risk children, their incarcerated parent, and their caregiver(s). This year we served 20 children. Each child/family received:
- 2 gifts (a toy and a clothing gift)
- Family bag which included:
- Age-appropriate booklets/literature for each child
- Angel Tree certificate for a free Bible
- Hug-a-bears for each child made by Margaret Gailliard
- A letter of invitation from Pastor Karla to St. Mark’s
This could not be possible without the St. Mark’s congregation. Thank you all for praying, for buying gifts, for donating, and for delivering gifts to the families. We were able to help provide joy to these families. “Celebrating God’s love and forgiveness, we serve others”.
Communications and Marketing Report 2021
Facebook Group – Our private Facebook Group has gone from 312 members to 371 members this year. We use the page to share important announcements, photos of events and the weekly worship services. Thank you for commenting, liking and sharing fellowship on our private group page! It builds a real sense of online community.
YouTube and the Website – All our services are uploaded to YouTube and then using that link are shared on our website, reaching members of the congregation who aren’t on Facebook or part of the Facebook group. If you watch the service from YouTube, you can turn on closed captions which help if you’re having trouble hearing the service.
Online Worship – The Facebook views of our Sunday services online went from an average of 87 views in the first quarter of 2021, to 55 when we started having outdoor services at church starting with our Easter service, to 32 after we moved into the sanctuary. We are still serving enough people online that it seems important to offer that option. If you’re travelling, or homebound or recovering from illness or if you live out of the area it’s nice to know you can still watch a service at home at any time or go back to hear a sermon a second time or listen to a favorite hymn again.
Cox Internet – We have had continuing issues with our cable connection and stable internet since we started our online broadcasts. It finally got so bad in December that we shifted away from offering a live broadcast to a recorded service. The benefits are that the recording is error free and a pleasure to watch. However, we’re disappointed to lose the online community that has grown up around the broadcasts and we’ll see if we continue to serve the same number of people with the recording. We plan to reevaluate it at the end of January and ask for feedback from the congregation.
Our Email Newsletters – We’ve continued to offer weekly email newsletters even though we’re back in church again. We have steady readership each week and it seems like a good tool for keeping the congregation informed. The newsletters share prayers and prayer quilts, share information about events scheduled at St. Mark’s, angel tree, monthly gardening, men’s breakfast and bible study, and for hearing from the Visioning Committee, Legacy Committee, Council and Pastors. We’ve also been able to get contact information updated, take votes and surveys and to share music, pictures and fun! We welcome submissions from anyone. It’s really been a great way to stay connected as a congregation!
Dedicated Audience –We have increased our newsletter readership to 223. About 130 of those readers open almost every email from St. Mark’s, another 25 open more than half of the newsletters. The feedback we get is very positive. Thank you to all the people who send in submissions every week, especially Pastor Karla, Sheri Barker, Roz Nelson, Diane Wages and Cindy Diaz in the office. Thank you to Bob Lechner, Sheri Barker and James Jerpseth for sending newsworthy photos!
Printed Newsletters – Last year we began to send out a printed copy of the news once a month to anyone who didn’t have email or who requested to receive the news by mail. We’ve tried to pack a lot into the printed version and to make them meaningful.
Spanish Newsletters – We also send out a Spanish translation of the newsletter by mail to the Hispanic Ministry members once a month. Many thanks to Andrea, Gabby and Cindy for doing the translations in 2021 and to Cindy who copies and mails them! Cindy will take over doing the translation in 2022.
Contact Information – This year we are updating the church database software, called Servant Keeper, which was last updated over 10 years ago. We hope to have a church wide push to update contact information. We’ve added emergency contact information to the database and that has provided a nice safety net for members who live alone on several occasions this year.
Our Website – is at The website continues to be a great place to read council minutes and watch a worship service or see the annual report. Most importantly, it’s how our neighbors find out about our church and what we offer. But there are definitely pages that need to be deleted and updated. Pastor Karla and I will tackle that some time in the new year.
Online Presence – St. Mark’s has a LinkedIn and we also have a public “information” page for the church on Facebook. The website, YouTube, google maps, yelp, listing in Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, SD Reader online,,, and continue to help with our outreach. These websites come up in search when you look for St. Mark’s Chula Vista. All of them (except the website) are free listings, no cost to St. Mark’s.
Marketing – Research shows that millennials with their young families shop for a church online and it’s important to look like the church that we want to be and to be in the places they’re looking. However, word of mouth is the best marketing! Thank you for sharing your love of St. Mark’s and inviting friends and neighbors to join you for worship and events here.
Respectfully submitted
Debbie Lechner
Legacy Committee Annual Report – 2021
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund
The Legacy Committee is ready to receive your gifts and add to the Endowment Fund! Add to the Legacy of our Church by helping to fund the following types of beneficiaries:
Church member projects/ministries
Community projects/charities (within communities served by congregation)
Church at large (statewide, nationwide, worldwide)
Donor’s Gifts Safe Investments Interest Ministry
2021 members were:
Meredith McCall– Chairperson (resigned)
Chris Lewis – Vice Chairperson/Acting Chairperson (Termed Out)
Sharon Martin – Secretary
Karl Larsen – Treasurer
Janet Collins – Member
2022 Nominees to fill vacancies are:
Dick Bolin
Carol Whittier Ross
3-Year Terms – Applied to Current and Future Committee (maximum 2 terms allowed per bylaws) | |||||||||
Member | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 |
Nominee | Term not fulfilled | Nominee 1st Term | 2nd Term | ||||||
Karl Larsen | 2nd Term | Nominee | |||||||
Sharon Martin | 1st Term | 2nd Term | Nominee | ||||||
Janet Collins | 1st Term | 2nd Term | Nominee | ||||||
Nominee | 1st Term | 2nd Term | Nominee |
The Distribution Policy, per the bylaws is as follows:
- The Committee is limited to an annual distribution of 4% of the Fund balance, defined by the account balance as of December 31 of the previous year, which includes all interest, dividends, realized/unrealized capital gains from the previous year. Any distribution that is larger, may be approved by Congregation Council.
- There is a mandatory distribution required of the fund of 4% to fund ministry.
- A grant application will be available for requests. Recipients will be determined by the Legacy Committee.
- The Committee is not limited in its use of the distribution for ministry to its congregation. The Committee may share up to 25% of the distribution with the following recipients: our synod, ELCA Churchwide ministries, ELCA-related ministries, or all other non-Lutheran charities within the San Diego area.
- The distribution shall not be used for operating budget nor for capital expenditures of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.
- 2021 approved Budget was $5,645.00, which was distributed as follows:
- $2000 for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund; balance=$3645
- $950 for St. Mark’s Youth Summer Camp; balance=$2695
- $1000 for St. Mark’s Council Event; balance=$1695
- $500 for St. Mark’s Congregational Dinner; balance=$1195
- $1195 for St. Mark’s Youth (VBS); balance=$0
Prepared by: Chris Lewis, Acting Chairperson
Member Care Ministry Report 2021
It continues to be obvious that St. Mark’s is very caring and friendly. Before we started meeting in person for Sunday worship, we had about nine callers who had specific members to contact on a regular basis to make sure their needs were being met and they were ok. New friendships even evolved. When we started worshipping outside and eventually in the Sanctuary, we’d see and visit with other members there. Then our ministry focused more on the homebound and those who found it safer to worship from home.
The Member Care team has been meeting monthly: first by zoom in March, then outside by Jacobson Hall, and then in June we moved to the Lower Level.
At our meetings:
- We open with devotions and prayer,
- We lovingly share our contact information for the month to make sure no home-bound or person in need (death in family or illness or ??) has been left out. We stress confidentiality.
- We discuss ways to support our contacts and also support each other. We stress the need for an EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON for everyone. For example, if you go to the hospital or move and don’t notify anyone, we can’t find you and WE CARE!! Please call the church office (619-427-5515) if you haven’t already provided your Emergency Contact Person.
- With Pastor Karla’s training and guidance, we’ve also visited and taken communion to the homebound who desire it.
- We discuss ways to support our congregation: wear name tags; send hand-written cards for Grand Reopening and cards of thanks; first all-congregation service project — bags of food & Bible & hand-written note to hand out; Story of our lives by members; Veterans Day celebration; prior to All-Saints Sunday invite families of those honored; with the help of Sunday School & Confirmation kids, we sent handmade Christmas cards to all of our homebound early December.
- We end with a closing prayer!
If you would like to join the Member Care Team or if you have a need or suggestion that hasn’t been addressed, please call Dorothy Geier (619-479-9975) or Pastor Karla (619-427-5515). We’d also like to include the homebound on this team. Even if someone is homebound themselves, they can call, send cards, and pray for others in need—perhaps a friend or we can assign someone. Think about it! It’s also up to all of us to be aware if someone hasn’t been in church or you know they’re ill or in the hospital. Thank you for being so caring and for praying for others.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Geier/Member Care
Prayer Quilt Ministry 2021
The Prayer Quilt Ministry (which is ALL the members of St. Mark’s and all of those attending our virtual services and receiving our Newsletter) has wrapped 150 recipients in prayer quilts and love this year, and we have tied additional prayers into 5 quilts. We have also tied prayers into 73 prayer pockets. These are about 4 x 5 inches – to fit in a pocket or purse. Each has a metal cross inside that says “God loves you” and there are 5 “chains” of prayers tied for the recipient. These are easily carried with you. We have also given 9 baptismal prayer squares, a baby baptismal prayer quilt and 1 prayer square. Please call Roz Nelson as (422-5463) or the church office (427-5515) if you would like to request a prayer quilt or pocket.
Prayer quilts are placed on the altar rail for the Pastor’s blessing on Sunday morning. They are then taken to the narthex and tied by the congregation as they leave the sanctuary. Pictures of the quilts, prayer pockets, and prayer squares are in the Newsletter each week with the prayers being asked for. We ask for your virtual ties and prayers if you are in the congregation at home or are visiting our website.
We are a small group working in our homes and would welcome others who would like to sew or put ties into our quilts to join us working in their homes. Call Roz or talk to her before or after services if you are interested.
We are thankful for your love, your prayers, and your donations of time, materials, and money. Donations need to be designated to the PRAYER Quilt Ministry. If writing a check, it should be made out to St. Mark’s and designated to the Prayer Quilt Ministry.
Roz Nelson/Prayer Quilt Ministry
Project Hand 2021
Thank you to the members of St Mark’s for their continued support of Project Hand.
The City of Chula Vista awarded Project Hand/Lutheran Social Services along with the San Diego Food Bank a Certificate of Recognition for their continued work to combat hunger in Chula Vista during times of great need.
Approximately 14,000 received assistance during 2021. Many more received needed food from the San Diego Food Bank, from a monthly mass distribution on the campus of St. Mark’s. This year a new face for this distribution was introduced, as the walk up was changed to a drive-thru setting. This idea was presented by St. Mark’s as a safer and more efficient way to serve those in need. This new setting has been widely appreciated by all.
We continue to make a trip to the San Diego Food Bank in Miramar every two weeks or when needed. We return with 1500 to 2000 pounds of food, which keeps the shelves at Project Hand stocked. I personally want to thank Jean and Fred Armer for their continued participation. I many times refer to them as our produce suppliers. Another thanks goes to Rodney Connors, who served as our young muscle, prior to returning to school last August. Johnny keeps Project Hand running on a daily basis, along with his helpers. Most of all, thank you again, we couldn’t do this without you.
Submitted by
Sue Connors
Property Report 2021
It’s been another busy year for St Mark’s property.
- The kitchen appliances were repaired or replaced, including the refrigerator, freezer, stove, garbage disposal, and dishwasher, giving us a fully functional kitchen again.
- Interior EXIT lights were replaced per requirements of the Chula Vista Fire Department.
- Many exterior lights were repaired or newly installed, including the parking lot lights for increased safety.
- The upper campus was re-keyed to increase safety and security.
- Sanctuary doors were repaired.
- New tables were purchased for Jacobson Hall.
- Spanish Ministry cleared out and hauled away truckloads of brush from the front of Jacobson Hall, around the lower-level office, and near Project Hand creating a safer and more attractive campus.
- Cleared out tree roots from sewer lines and replaced 20 feet of clay pipe.
- New door sweeps were installed on all exterior doors to prevent critters and blown debris..
- A bright new digital sign was installed on the corner of Hilltop and I St.
- The heater system (HVAC) was repaired.
- A new safe was installed.
- The lower-level Sunday school room windows were repaired.
- The Youth room and nursery were cleaned out and made ready for occupancy.
- Canopies were purchased and installed in the patio so we could continue to have outdoor services
and many other projects.
With all that said – A Major Project to be done this year is the replacement of old clay sewer pipes which are now root bound and backing up toilets.
There are so many people involved in the work of our property.
- Thank you Bobb Briggs for 3 ½ years of service to St Mark’s. So many important projects were completed during your time as property chair.
- Thank you, Dennis Coughlin, for mowing lawns and working on many projects with Bobb.
- Thank you, Dick Bolin, for your work on the kitchen, and your legal expertise.
- Thank you, Sheri Barker, for not giving up on that digital sign. I think it took 15 years of work to get funding and contractors.
- Thank you, Richard Roy and family, for electrical work and looking out for our property.
- Thank you, Pastor Alicia, Sheri Barker and Pastor Karla for the grants to get work done.
- Thank you, Margarita Alvarez, for your important cleaning and disinfectant work every week.
- Thank you, Oscar Uribe, for electrical work and new lights.
- Thank you, Dave Barker, for helping with the canopies and fixing the downspouts.
- Thank you, Jane and David Gerber, for helping with the hard-of-hearing system and the freezer.
- Thank you, Margarita, Manuel Alvarez, and Maria Luisa Guzman for preparing the nursery for children.
- Thank you to Kyra Petrin, for tirelessly coming to St Marks every week to water and plant.
And Thank You to all the good people who come here every first Saturday of the month to clean, rake, move mulch, weed and make St Mark’s look great!
Submitted by Bob Lechner