Join the men and women, young and young at heart as we laugh and talk and enjoy a good meal together at Fellowship Club. Meets 2nd Tuesday of month at Noon for a potluck & program in Jacobson Hall.
Mark your calendars ………. bring a neighbor or friend!
In February Bob Lechner, “professional potter” came to the Fellowship Club to demonstrate “throwing a pot”. Bob is hoping to make some new chalices and dishes for communion and he demonstrated how a chalice and vase are made.
edited by Ruby Hultenius
In August, the Fellowship program was Pastor John’s slides from his graduate work, First writings of Man. Cairo, Egypt. This Fellowship was very well attended and very much enjoyed. The Nag Hammadi Library is a good resource for more information on the subject.
During a Fellowship club meet in September, Pastor Ron & Penny showed the slides of their trip to Norway. Potluck in Jacobson Hall followed.